Honey Bees, Threats Dani Honey Bees, Threats Dani

Asian hornet invasions are exacerbated by climate change

The species' invasive potential became evident when it was inadvertently introduced to South-Western France in 2004.

Background on Yellow-legged Asian Hornets (Vespa velutina)

The Yellow-legged Asian hornet is a predatory wasp species native to parts of Asia, ranging from Afghanistan to Eastern China, and extending south to Indochina and Indonesia. This species was first described in detail by Carpenter and Kojima in 1997. Vespa velutina is distinguished by its yellow-tipped legs, black body, and orange face, making it easily recognisable.

Within its native habitat, has evolved as a formidable predator of honey bees (Apis mellifera), a behaviour well-documented in studies such as those by Tan et al. (2007). These hornets actively hunt honey bees, often hovering near hive entrances to catch worker bees. They then decapitate their prey and transport the thorax back to their nests to feed their larvae. This predatory behaviour can decimate local honey bee populations, weakening colonies and reducing honey production.

The species' invasive potential became evident when it was inadvertently introduced to South-Western France in 2004. Since then,  has spread rapidly across Europe, establishing a strong presence in countries like Spain, Portugal, and beyond. The hornet's adaptability facilitates this expansion to various climates and its ability to thrive in human-modified landscapes.

Understanding the biology and behaviour of Vespa velutina is crucial for developing effective management strategies to mitigate its impact on native ecosystems and agriculture, particularly concerning the vital pollination services provided by honey bees.

Native Range and Behaviour

In its native range, Vespa velutina plays a complex role in the local ecosystems. It is a generalist predator, preying on a wide array of insects. However, it is particularly notorious for its predation on honey bees (Apis mellifera). This predatory behaviour is well-documented, with studies highlighting its efficiency and aggression in hunting honey bees. Hornets often hover near the entrances of beehives, waiting to capture foraging bees as they return. Once a bee is caught, the hornet decapitates it and transports the thorax back to its nest to feed its larvae. This method of predation can cause significant stress and mortality within honey bee colonies.

The impact of Vespa velutina on honey bee populations is profound. Honey bees are crucial pollinators, and their decline due to hornet predation can have cascading effects on both wild and cultivated plants that rely on bees for pollination. In regions where Vespa velutina is prevalent, beekeepers often report substantial losses, with some colonies completely collapsing due to relentless hornet attacks.

Furthermore, the hornet’s ability to exploit diverse habitats—from rural areas to urban settings—facilitates its spread and establishment in new territories. This adaptability has been a key factor in its successful invasion beyond its native range. Understanding the native range and predatory behaviour of Vespa velutina is essential for predicting its potential spread and implementing effective control measures to protect honey bee populations and the broader ecological balance they support.

Introduction and Spread in Europe

The story of Vespa velutina’s introduction to Europe begins in 2004 when the species was accidentally brought to South-Western France, likely via a shipment of pottery from China. This unintentional introduction marked the beginning of a rapid and expansive invasion across the continent.

Once established in France, Vespa velutina quickly adapted to the new environment. The hornet's ability to thrive in various climates and its versatile diet, primarily consisting of honey bees and other insects, facilitated its spread. By 2010, the hornet had occupied an estimated range of 190,000 square kilometres in France, covering most of the country and extending into neighbouring regions. Researchers Villemant et al. (2011) documented this extensive spread, highlighting the hornet's capability to colonise new areas swiftly.

The spread did not stop at France’s borders. By the early 2010s, Vespa velutina had reached Northern Spain, particularly the Basque Country, as reported by Castro and Pagola-Carte (2010). The hornet's expansion continued, with populations establishing in Portugal and parts of Italy. The species has also been sighted in Belgium, Germany, and the Channel Islands, indicating its relentless progression northwards.

Several factors contribute to Vespa velutina’s successful spread across Europe. The hornet's generalist predatory behaviour allows it to exploit a wide range of prey, including essential pollinators like honey bees, which are abundant in agricultural and urban landscapes. Additionally, the lack of natural predators in the newly invaded regions means there are few checks on the hornet’s population growth.

The ecological and economic impacts of Vespa velutina's invasion are significant. The hornet's predation on honey bees not only threatens bee populations but also jeopardises pollination services critical for both wild ecosystems and agriculture. Honey production has also suffered, as beekeepers struggle to protect their hives from these aggressive predators.

Understanding the pathways and mechanisms of Vespa velutina’s spread is crucial for developing strategies to mitigate its impact. Enhanced monitoring, early detection, and coordinated efforts among European countries are essential to manage and possibly curtail the further expansion of this invasive species.

Climate Change and its Impact on Invasion Dynamics

Climate change plays a pivotal role in the spread and establishment of invasive species like the Yellow-legged Asian hornet (Vespa velutina). As global temperatures rise and weather patterns shift, the habitats suitable for various species are also changing, often expanding northward or into higher altitudes where they were previously unable to thrive.

For Vespa velutina, climate change creates new opportunities for invasion and establishment in once-in-hospitable regions. Warmer temperatures and milder winters reduce the mortality rates of hornets during colder months, allowing more individuals to survive and reproduce. This is particularly significant for regions in Northern Europe, where traditionally harsh winters would have limited the hornet's range.

A recent study published in Pest Management Science examined the growing range overlap of Vespa velutina and honey bees (Apis mellifera) across Europe, predicting that climate change will exacerbate the Asian hornet invasion. Researchers used land use, climate, and topographical data to forecast both the hornet’s spread and its potential range overlap with honey bee populations. The findings indicate that future reductions in temperature seasonality, particularly milder winters, could play a significant role in the hornet’s expansion.

The study predicts increased overlaps in habitats if winters become less severe, with notable risks for countries such as the UK, Ireland, Germany, Denmark, and Sweden. These changes not only facilitate the hornet’s survival and proliferation but also enhance its predatory pressure on local honey bee populations, compounding the ecological and economic impacts.

In essence, climate change acts as a catalyst, amplifying the invasion dynamics of Vespa velutina by making new regions more conducive to its lifecycle and predatory habits. Addressing these challenges requires an integrated approach that considers both climatic factors and the biological characteristics of the species.

A study from Pest Management Science

A recent study published in Pest Management Science has brought critical insights into the impact of climate change on the invasion dynamics of the Yellow-legged Asian hornet (Vespa velutina). This comprehensive research highlights the growing range overlap between Vespa velutina and honey bees (Apis mellifera) across Europe, a development closely linked to changing climatic conditions.

The study meticulously analysed various datasets, including land use, climate, and topographical information, to predict the future spread of Vespa velutina and its potential range overlap with honey bee populations. One of the key findings is that climate change, particularly the reduction in temperature seasonality, is a significant driver of the hornet's expanding range. As winters become milder, the survival rates of hornet queens increase, allowing them to establish new colonies more effectively each spring.

The researchers used sophisticated modelling techniques to forecast how these changes would affect the distribution of Vespa velutina. Their projections indicate that if current climate trends continue, the hornet will expand its range significantly, with notable increases in habitat overlap with honey bees. This is especially concerning for regions such as the UK, Ireland, Germany, Denmark, and Sweden, where the overlap is expected to intensify as winters grow milder.

The implications of this overlap are profound. Honey bees, already facing numerous threats from pesticides, diseases, and habitat loss, will encounter increased predation pressure from Vespa velutina. This could lead to significant declines in bee populations, adversely affecting pollination services critical for both wild ecosystems and agricultural productivity.

The study underscores the urgent need for integrated pest management strategies that consider the changing climate. By understanding the role of climate change in facilitating the spread of invasive species like Vespa velutina, policymakers and researchers can better develop targeted approaches to mitigate these impacts and protect essential pollinator populations.

Climate Modelling and Predictions

Climatic suitability models play a crucial role in projecting the spread of the Asian hornet (Vespa velutina) under future climate scenarios. These models use a combination of current climate data, species distribution records, and predictive algorithms to estimate how climate changes will affect the potential range of invasive species.

Recent studies have utilised sophisticated modelling techniques to understand and predict the future distribution of the Asian hornet. Researchers employed an ensemble of eight different modelling techniques within a comprehensive forecast framework, as outlined by Thuiller et al. (2009). These models incorporated presence data from both the hornet's native range in Asia and its invaded regions in Europe.

The models considered various climate variables, including temperature, precipitation, and seasonal patterns, to assess habitat suitability under different future climate scenarios. Scenarios were based on projections for the year 2100, derived from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fourth Assessment Report. These projections included predictions from five global circulation models (GCMs) and three special reports on emission scenarios (SRES), totalling 13 different future scenarios.

The findings from these climatic suitability models indicate that the Asian hornet is likely to expand its range significantly under future climate conditions. The models predict an increase in suitable habitats, particularly in Northern and Western Europe, where milder winters will reduce the mortality of hornet queens. Regions such as the UK, Ireland, North-Western Germany, and Denmark are identified as particularly vulnerable to future invasions.

By using these predictive models, researchers can better understand the potential spread of the Asian hornet and identify regions at high risk. This knowledge is essential for developing proactive management strategies to mitigate the impacts of this invasive species, safeguarding both ecological and agricultural systems from its predatory effects on honey bee populations.

Modelling Techniques and Data

To predict the future distribution of the Asian hornet (Vespa velutina) under changing climate conditions, researchers employed a robust and comprehensive approach using eight different modelling techniques. This multifaceted method ensures a high degree of accuracy and reliability in the projections, as each technique has unique strengths in handling various types of data and environmental variables.

The eight modelling techniques utilised include machine learning algorithms, statistical models, and ecological niche models. These methods were applied within an ensemble forecast framework, which aggregates the results from multiple models to generate more robust and consensus-based predictions. This approach, as highlighted by Thuiller et al. (2009), helps mitigate the uncertainties inherent in any single model by leveraging the collective strengths of all included techniques.

The data inputs for these models were extensive and detailed, incorporating presence records of the Asian hornet from its native range in Asia and its invaded territories in Europe. Climate variables such as temperature, precipitation, and seasonal patterns were key components of the dataset. These variables were sourced from high-resolution global climate models (GCMs), which provide detailed predictions of future climatic conditions based on different greenhouse gas emission scenarios.

Researchers also included land-use and topographical data to refine the predictions further. This comprehensive dataset allowed the models to account for a wide range of environmental factors that influence the hornet's habitat suitability and potential spread.

The ensemble approach generated predictions for the year 2100, using scenarios from the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report. These scenarios included projections from five global circulation models and three special reports on emission scenarios, totalling 13 different future climate scenarios. The aggregated results indicated that the Asian hornet's range would likely expand significantly in Europe, particularly in regions that are expected to experience milder winters.

This advanced modelling approach provides critical insights for policymakers and researchers, helping them develop targeted strategies to manage and mitigate the impacts of the Asian hornet under future climate conditions.

Ecological and Economic Impacts

The invasion of the Asian hornet (Vespa velutina) poses significant ecological and economic challenges, particularly concerning pollination and honey production. As a formidable predator of honey bees (Apis mellifera), the hornet's presence disrupts the delicate balance of local ecosystems and threatens essential agricultural practices.

Ecological Impacts: The Asian hornet preys on honey bees, which are crucial pollinators for a wide variety of plants. Honey bees contribute significantly to the pollination of both wild flora and cultivated crops. When hornet predation reduces bee populations, the pollination of many plants is compromised. This can lead to decreased biodiversity as plants fail to reproduce effectively, and it can also disrupt the food chains dependent on these plants. Moreover, the decline in pollinator numbers affects the reproductive success of plants, which can have cascading effects on entire ecosystems, leading to reduced resilience and functionality.

Economic Impacts: The economic ramifications of the Asian hornet invasion are profound, especially for the apiculture industry. Beekeepers face substantial losses as hornets decimate honey bee colonies. This predation results in reduced honey production, which directly impacts beekeepers' livelihoods. Additionally, the decreased pollination services affect agricultural productivity, as many crops rely on bees for pollination. Crops such as fruits, vegetables, and nuts can experience lower yields, leading to economic losses for farmers and higher prices for consumers.

Furthermore, the costs associated with managing and controlling the Asian hornet populations add to the economic burden. Implementing monitoring systems, developing and deploying traps, and other control measures require significant investment.

The Asian hornet invasion has far-reaching ecological and economic impacts. Effective management strategies are essential to mitigate these effects, safeguard pollinator populations, and ensure the stability of ecosystems and agricultural systems. Collaboration among scientists, policymakers, and stakeholders is crucial to address this invasive species challenge comprehensively.

Impact on Pollination Services

The predation of pollinators, particularly honey bees (Apis mellifera), by the Asian hornet poses a severe threat to pollination services essential for both wild and cultivated plants. Honey bees play a pivotal role in the reproduction of many plant species by facilitating the transfer of pollen, which is crucial for the fertilisation and production of seeds and fruits.

Wild Plants: In natural ecosystems, honey bees contribute to the pollination of a diverse array of wildflowers and other plants. The decline in honey bee populations due to Asian hornet predation can lead to reduced seed and fruit production in these plants, which affects not only the plants themselves but also the broader ecosystem. Many animals depend on these plants for food, and a decrease in plant reproduction can ripple through the food web, affecting herbivores and their predators. Additionally, plant species diversity may decline, leading to less resilient and more homogeneous ecosystems.

Cultivated Plants: In agricultural settings, honey bees are indispensable for the pollination of many crops, including fruits, vegetables, and nuts. These crops depend on effective pollination to achieve optimal yields. The presence of Asian hornets near agricultural areas can significantly reduce the number of foraging bees, leading to insufficient pollination. This reduction in pollination can result in lower crop yields and inferior-quality produce, directly impacting farmers' incomes and the availability of these crops in the market. The economic implications extend beyond the farm, affecting food prices and supply chains.

Broader Implications: The decline in honey bee populations due to Asian hornet predation also affects managed pollination services. Beekeepers provide pollination services to farmers by transporting hives to crop fields. With fewer healthy colonies available, the cost of pollination services may rise, further burdening the agricultural sector.

The impact of Asian hornet predation on pollination services is profound and multifaceted. Protecting honey bee populations from this invasive predator is crucial for maintaining biodiversity, ensuring agricultural productivity, and supporting the ecological balance necessary for healthy ecosystems. Comprehensive management strategies and coordinated efforts are essential to mitigate these adverse effects.

Impact on Honey Production

The predation of honey bee colonies by the Asian hornet has dire consequences for honey production, posing a significant threat to the beekeeping industry. Asian hornets are highly efficient predators that target honey bee hives, causing substantial stress and mortality within bee populations.

Direct Impact on Hives: The presence of Asian hornets near beehives creates a hostile environment for honey bees. Hornets often station themselves at hive entrances, capturing foraging bees as they return with nectar and pollen. This constant predation pressure forces honey bees to remain inside their hives, severely limiting their foraging activities. Reduced foraging results in less nectar collection, which directly affects honey production. Over time, the relentless attacks can weaken and eventually decimate entire colonies.

Colony Stress and Mortality: The stress induced by hornet predation can lead to colony collapse. Honey bees exhibit defensive behaviours, such as forming protective clusters, which consume significant energy and resources. The continuous threat from hornets can exhaust the bees, making them more susceptible to diseases and parasites. High mortality rates among worker bees further reduce the hive's ability to collect nectar and maintain normal hive functions, exacerbating the decline in honey production.

Economic Consequences for Beekeepers: The decline in honey production has direct economic implications for beekeepers, who rely on honey sales for their livelihoods. Lower honey yields mean reduced income, which can be particularly devastating for small-scale and hobbyist beekeepers. Additionally, the cost of managing and protecting hives from hornet attacks increases operational expenses, further straining financial resources.

Broader Market Impact: The reduced availability of locally produced honey can lead to higher prices and increased dependence on imported honey. This shift not only affects consumers but also disrupts local markets and economies. Moreover, the quality and authenticity of imported honey can vary, potentially leading to consumer dissatisfaction.

The attack on bee hives by the Asian hornet significantly undermines honey production, posing severe challenges for beekeepers and impacting broader economic and market dynamics. Effective management and control measures are essential to protect honey bee colonies and sustain honey production.

Strategies for Mitigating the Invasion

Mitigating the spread of the Asian hornet in Europe requires a multifaceted approach that combines early detection, public awareness, scientific research, and coordinated management efforts. Here are several potential strategies to address this invasive species:

1. Early Detection and Rapid Response: Implementing effective monitoring systems is crucial for early detection of Asian hornet populations. Surveillance programmes, involving both professional entomologists and citizen scientists, can help track the hornet's spread. Once detected, rapid response teams should be deployed to contain and eliminate hornet nests before they become established. This approach minimises the chances of the hornets spreading further and reduces their impact on local ecosystems.

2. Public Awareness and Education: Raising public awareness about the Asian hornet is essential for successful management. Educational campaigns can inform beekeepers, farmers, and the general public about the hornet's identification, behaviour, and the threats it poses. By engaging local communities, authorities can foster collaboration and encourage reporting of hornet sightings. Training programmes for beekeepers can also provide them with the knowledge and tools needed to protect their hives.

3. Development and Deployment of Traps: Research into effective trapping methods can provide valuable tools for controlling Asian hornet populations. Various traps, including baited traps and pheromone traps, can be strategically placed to capture hornets. These traps can reduce the number of hornets in affected areas, particularly around apiaries and agricultural zones.

4. Biological Control: Exploring biological control options, such as introducing natural predators or pathogens specific to the Asian hornet, could offer long-term solutions. However, these measures require careful consideration and rigorous testing to avoid unintended ecological consequences.

5. Legislation and Policy Measures: Implementing stringent biosecurity measures at ports and borders can prevent further introductions of the Asian hornet. Policies that promote the sharing of data and resources among European countries can enhance coordinated efforts to manage the hornet's spread.

6. Research and Innovation: Continued research into the biology, behaviour, and ecology of the Asian hornet is vital for developing effective management strategies. Innovation in detection technologies, such as drone-based surveillance and genetic tracking, can improve the accuracy and efficiency of monitoring programmes.

7. Support for Beekeepers: Providing financial and technical support to beekeepers affected by the Asian hornet invasion can help them implement protective measures and recover from losses. Subsidies for purchasing protective equipment, such as hive enclosures, can mitigate the economic impact on beekeepers.

A comprehensive and coordinated approach is essential to managing and mitigating the spread of the Asian hornet in Europe. By combining early detection, public awareness, scientific research, and supportive policies, stakeholders can effectively address this invasive species and protect vital pollinator populations.

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Honey Bees, Threats Dani Honey Bees, Threats Dani

Hive Beetles: Bee Pests

The Small Hive Beetle (SHB), Aethina tumida, is a significant bee pest originally from Africa, where it remains a relatively minor issue for local honey bee species thanks to their evolved defenses.

The Small Hive Beetle (SHB), Aethina tumida, is a significant bee pest originally from Africa, where it remains a relatively minor issue for local honey bee species thanks to their evolved defenses. However, its introduction to Florida in 1998, likely via container traffic from South Africa, marked the beginning of its rapid spread across North America and into regions like Hawaii and Australia. The honey bee sub-species found in these areas, as well as Europe, lack effective defenses against SHB, leading to considerable challenges for the beekeeping industry.

By 2014, SHB had made its way to Italy, and despite efforts to eradicate it, the beetle has become established there. Although not yet detected in the UK at the time of this note, the prevailing sentiment is that it's a matter of "when" rather than "if" SHB will arrive. The anticipated impact of SHB on beekeeping in the UK is expected to surpass even that of the varroa mite, suggesting significant adjustments will be necessary in beekeeping practices to manage this pest. Vigilance, along with prompt reporting of any suspected sightings to the bee inspectorate, is crucial in monitoring and controlling the potential spread of SHB to ensure the health and sustainability of bee populations.

The lifecycle of the Small Hive Beetle (SHB) remains an area of ongoing research, with many aspects not fully understood. Upon reaching adulthood, SHBs measure about 6 mm in length, starting off light brown in color and darkening to nearly black as they age. Their size can vary significantly, influenced by environmental conditions and their diet. For identification purposes, there are three distinctive features to look for:

  1. Club-shaped antennae: This unique feature distinguishes them from many other beetles.

  2. Wing cases shorter than the abdomen: The beetle's abdomen protrudes beyond its wing cases, a characteristic not commonly seen in other beetle species.

  3. Sharp ‘points’ at the rear of the thorax: These points, when the beetle contracts, form a smooth edge to the abdomen, making it more challenging for bees to grip and remove the beetle from the hive.

These identifying traits are crucial for beekeepers and researchers in monitoring and managing the presence of SHB within hives, aiming to mitigate its impact on bee colonies.

Upon reaching adulthood, Small Hive Beetles (SHBs) are known to actively seek out bee colonies, primarily during dusk, believed to be drawn by the scents emitted by the bees, especially the alarm pheromone released during hive disturbances. This attraction is notably stronger following the manipulation of colonies by beekeepers, leading to a higher likelihood of invasion during such times.

Female SHBs exhibit a specific behavior in their egg-laying process, choosing crevices within the hive for this purpose. They tend to deposit their eggs in clusters, favoring locations such as loose frame spacers or areas near the hive's end wall, which offer suitable hiding spots. Additionally, they are known to lay eggs directly on food sources within the hive, including pollen and brood, ensuring immediate food access for the emerging larvae. The eggs, measuring 1.4 mm in length, appear pearly white.

An intriguing aspect of SHB behavior within the hive is the interaction between the beetles and the honey bees. Bees often corral the beetles into specific areas, effectively creating 'prisons' for them. Yet, in a surprising turn of behavior, bees are thought to feed the beetles when prompted by the beetles stroking the bees' mandibles, triggering the bees to regurgitate food.

Upon hatching, SHB larvae waste no time and begin to feed on available food sources. They show a preference for bee brood but do not shy away from consuming nectar, pollen, and honey with equal gusto. This voracious feeding can have devastating effects on the hive, emphasizing the need for vigilant monitoring and management practices by beekeepers to protect their colonies from SHB infestations.

As Small Hive Beetle (SHB) larvae feed within the hive, they defecate on the combs, causing the honey stored within to ferment. This fermentation process not only spoils the honey, making it unusable, but also creates a distinctly unpleasant smell reminiscent of rotten oranges, further indicating the presence of an infestation. The extent of the damage SHB can inflict on a bee colony is significant, particularly in severe cases where a colony might host up to 30,000 larvae. Such infestations can lead to the rapid decline of hive health and productivity.

Beyond the immediate impact on the hive's brood and honey stores, SHBs also pose a threat to stored honey supers that are yet to be extracted. They can infiltrate these storage areas, destroying the honey and comb, and complicating the beekeeper's efforts to manage hive resources and maintain colony health. This underscores the importance of rigorous hive inspection practices and the implementation of preventive measures to safeguard colonies against the destructive impact of Small Hive Beetle infestations.

Control of SHB

If efforts to eradicate the Small Hive Beetle (SHB) prove unsuccessful and the pest becomes a permanent concern, beekeepers must adopt a series of control strategies to manage and mitigate its impact. Chemical interventions are among the options available; however, their effectiveness is limited, and they must be applied with caution to avoid environmental harm. As a result, the emphasis shifts toward an integrated pest management approach, incorporating several key practices:

  • Good Management and Hygiene: Maintaining clean and well-managed hives is foundational. This includes regular inspections and prompt removal of any hive components infested with SHB or showing signs of damage.

  • Vigorous Colonies: Strong, healthy colonies are better equipped to defend against SHB invasions. This involves ensuring adequate nutrition and addressing any other pest or disease issues promptly.

  • Tolerant Bee Selection: Where possible, selecting or breeding bee strains that exhibit natural resistance or tolerance to SHB can be beneficial.

  • Physical Hive Modifications: Avoiding the use of frame lug spacers, which provide convenient crevices for SHB to lay eggs, can reduce the chances of infestation.

  • Apiary Site Management: The location and condition of the apiary play a significant role in SHB management. Sites should be sunny, with well-drained soil to discourage larvae from pupating in the ground. Rotating apiary sites can also help prevent the establishment of pupation sites.

  • Facility Care: Vigilance is crucial not only in the apiary but also in areas where honey is extracted, stored, and bottled. Ensuring these areas are clean and free from SHB can prevent the pest from spreading or contaminating honey products.

By integrating these practices, beekeepers can develop a comprehensive strategy to control SHB, even in scenarios where the pest has become established. This multifaceted approach is vital for protecting hives and maintaining the health and productivity of bee colonies in the face of SHB challenges.

To combat the Small Hive Beetle (SHB) effectively during its active season, beekeepers must become adept at removing beetles at all stages of their lifecycle from within the colony. One effective strategy involves the use of traps specifically designed to capture SHB, allowing for their removal without significant disruption to the bees. Once trapped, the beetles can be exterminated by submerging them in a bucket filled with soapy water. This method is efficient in suffocating the beetles, but it’s crucial to securely cover the bucket to prevent accidental harm to the bees, which might also be attracted to the container.

In cases where colonies are heavily infested and the structural integrity of the combs is compromised due to the activities of SHB larvae, a more drastic measure may be warranted. Affected combs should be removed entirely from the hive and submerged in soapy water. This action not only eliminates the larvae and potential eggs present on the combs but also helps prevent the further spread of the infestation within the hive.

These methods, while simple, require careful execution to minimize harm to the bee colony while effectively managing the SHB population. Such practices, combined with the comprehensive management strategies previously outlined, form an integrated approach to controlling SHB in beekeeping operations.


Trapping is a key strategy in managing Small Hive Beetle (SHB) populations within bee colonies. By providing specific traps that mimic the crevices SHB seeks for hiding and egg-laying, beekeepers can effectively lure and remove these pests from the hive. There are primarily two types of traps employed for this purpose:

  1. Correx Card Strips: These strips are made from a plastic card material with slots that are sized to allow beetles entry while excluding bees. Beekeepers place these strips on the hive floor and inspect them during each hive check. The strips can be submerged in soapy water to kill any beetles or larvae captured. Additionally, a visual check is possible by tapping the strip on a hard surface to dislodge and identify trapped beetles. This method is particularly useful for monitoring SHB presence and is readily available from beekeeping supply vendors.

  2. Fly Swat Traps: Resembling the common household fly swatter, this device is modified for SHB trapping by attaching two squares of plywood, creating a narrow gap between them. This gap is inviting for beetles seeking a hiding spot or a place to lay eggs. The swat is placed on the hive floor, allowing beetles to enter the crevice. Upon inspection, the beekeeper removes the trap, containing the beetles, larvae, and eggs, and proceeds to suffocate them in soapy water.

It's important to note that SHB tends to target weaker colonies first. Therefore, while monitoring for SHB, beekeepers might not need to check every single colony but should focus on those appearing more vulnerable. If an infestation is suspected, documenting with photographs or collecting samples to notifying a local bee inspector is crucial for confirmation and to receive further guidance on managing the infestation. This proactive approach to trapping and monitoring helps protect colonies from the significant threats posed by SHB.

Traps designed to suffocate Small Hive Beetles (SHB) and their larvae offer another effective line of defense for beekeepers. These traps typically take the form of trays or troughs equipped with slotted covers. The slots are precisely sized: large enough to allow beetles and larvae to enter but small enough to keep honey bees out, safeguarding them from becoming unintended victims of the trap.

To function, these traps are partially filled with vegetable oil. The oil acts as both an attractant and an agent of suffocation for the beetles and larvae that enter. Once inside, the pests are unable to escape and eventually succumb within the oil. This method of control is particularly appealing due to its simplicity and effectiveness. The vegetable oil not only ensures the pests are efficiently trapped and killed but also facilitates easy cleaning and maintenance of the traps. As long as the oil remains in the trap and doesn't dry out, it continues to be an effective tool in managing SHB populations within the hive.

For beekeepers battling SHB infestations, incorporating oil traps within the hive can significantly reduce the number of pests, thereby protecting the colony and its resources from the destructive behaviors of beetles and larvae. This method, alongside diligent hive inspections and management practices, forms a comprehensive approach to safeguarding bee colonies against the threats posed by SHB.

Checkmite+ is a chemical treatment originally formulated for controlling varroa mites, which has found an alternative use against Small Hive Beetles (SHB) despite not being officially licensed for this purpose in the UK. To utilize Checkmite+ for SHB control, beekeepers adapt the treatment by cutting a varroa strip in half and attaching it to a piece of corrugated cardboard or plastic. This assembly is then placed on the hive floor, corrugation facing down, creating an environment that lures beetles into contact with the chemical.

This adapted method relies on the beetles' natural behavior to seek hiding places, thereby ensuring they come into direct contact with the Checkmite+ treatment. The setup is left within the hive for a duration of six weeks to maximize its effectiveness against the beetle population.

While Checkmite+ strips have shown to be effective in this modified application for SHB control, their traditional use, hanging between brood frames for varroa mite management, does not yield significant results against SHB. This highlights the importance of application method in the effectiveness of chemical treatments.

Additionally, some beekeepers have experimented with using cat and dog flea treatments as a method to combat SHB. These treatments are placed in specially designed applicators on the hive floor, which are effective against the beetles while being designed to exclude bees, minimising the risk of toxicity to the colony. However, it's crucial to note that these treatments are highly toxic to bees and should be used with extreme caution, ensuring bees cannot come into contact with the substance.

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Honey Bees, Threats Dani Honey Bees, Threats Dani

Guard Your Gold: Keeping Small Hive Beetles at Bay

The devastating impact of this insect, which has made its way from sub-Saharan Africa to beehives around the world, is a result of its voracious appetite for honey, pollen, and even bee brood.

The small hive beetle (SHB) is a dangerous intruder in the peaceful beekeeping community, where the aroma of honey and the soft buzzing of bees while they forage permeate the atmosphere. The devastating impact of this insect, which has made its way from sub-Saharan Africa to beehives around the world, is a result of its voracious appetite for honey, pollen, and even bee brood. There has never been a more challenging time for beekeepers to use tried-and-true methods of hive management and pest control. This article explores new ways to fight the little hive beetle and calls for a change from reactive to proactive defences. It's a rallying cry for beekeepers worldwide to be even more vigilant in protecting their honey from this mighty enemy, using strategies and information that go against the grain of traditional thinking to establish new benchmarks in beekeeping.

Beetle Bands Bending Towards the North

The disturbing trend of small hive beetles (SHB) migrating northward is a sign of a larger change in the environment and presents new difficulties for beekeeping methods. Although these beetles have always lived in warmer regions, they are now expanding into areas where they were thought to be extinct. For beekeepers in these newly impacted regions, this northward march is more than just a geographical curiosity; it's a rallying cry to get ready for impact. The ability of pests to adapt to changing climates is highlighted by the spread of SHB regions, highlighting the urgent need for beekeepers to remain proactive. Being alert and ready are now necessities, not perks. The significance of early diagnosis, awareness of habitat, and the application of new management techniques will be highlighted as this trend impacts beekeeping strategies in this section. The objective is to provide beekeepers in these new SHB zones with the information they need to safeguard their hives and make sure their colonies can withstand this growing threat.

Climate Change and Beetle Migration

Global warming is reshaping the battlefield between beekeepers and the small hive beetle (SHB), turning once inhospitable northern regions into welcoming environments for these pests. Rising temperatures and altered precipitation patterns are expanding the geographical zones where SHBs can thrive, pushing their migration further north than ever before. This environmental shift not only broadens the scope of the threat but also complicates the strategies beekeepers must employ to defend their hives. The implications for future beekeeping practices are profound. Beekeepers in these newly vulnerable areas must now consider pest management strategies that were once reserved for their counterparts in warmer climates. This includes adopting more rigorous hive inspections, exploring the use of biological controls such as beneficial nematodes, and reevaluating hive designs to deter beetle infestations. The battle against SHBs is becoming a moving front, demanding flexibility, innovation, and a keen understanding of the evolving relationship between climate change and pest dynamics.

Hive Beetles: Ambush the Strong and Take Advantage of the Weak

When it comes to beekeeping, the small hive beetle (SHB) is an incredibly dangerous enemy. It has a sneaky way of getting into even the strongest colonies. The strategy of this pest is twofold: first, it destroys powerful hives by ambushing them and then, second, it brutally attacks lesser colonies by taking advantage of their minor weaknesses. Opportunistic SHBs can squeeze into hives through the tiniest of holes and thrive in areas where bee populations are helpless to fight them. They can destroy colonies from the inside out due to their quick reproduction and ability to feed on the resources of a hive.

Because of this, constantly checking the hive's strength is crucial. Whenever a beehive shows symptoms of distress, such as a decline in bee population, an inadequate food supply, or a structural weakness, the beekeeper has an obligation to act swiftly. In order to protect beehives from SHB invasion, periodic inspections and maintenance are essential. Developing effective countermeasures requires a thorough understanding of SHB behaviour and strategies. Beekeepers can better defend their colonies from this ubiquitous menace if they learn to recognise the early warning signals of beetle invasion and fix any possible vulnerabilities in the health and security of the hive. Combating the little hive bug requires more than simply a reactive strategy; it also requires the construction and maintenance of hives that are strong and resilient enough to resist the beetle's attacks.

Identifying Weak Points in Your Hive

The small hive beetle (SHB) is a pest that feeds on beehives' weaknesses, thus protecting them requires finding such spots. Beekeepers can strengthen their hives proactively by keeping an eye out for certain signs of vulnerability. A major warning indication is a decline in the bee population, first and foremost. While a densely populated hive is better able to control SHBs, a sparse population allows beetles a chance to set up shop. Bee populations must be closely monitored on a regular basis, particularly following winter or during stressful periods.

Second, a weakened colony is more likely to be invaded if its food resources are insufficient. During the dearth time, it is very important to make sure bees have adequate pollen and honey. If food supplies are low, this may involve giving animals more food than usual. Finally, the stability of the hive as a whole is important. Not only can SHBs but also other pests gain access through gaps or fissures. One way to keep beetles at bay is to keep the hive construction in good repair and fix any damage quickly.

Additionally, SHBs can be attracted by inadequate hive cleanliness. Breeding sites for beetles can be found in beeswax, unused comb, and surplus propolis. The hive can be kept less appealing to pests by regularly cleaning it and removing debris. Beekeepers may greatly lessen the likelihood of SHB infestation and guarantee the robustness of their colonies by being aware of and taking measures to remedy these weaknesses.

The Scene of Light and Shade

Depending on the conditions it finds most favourable, the tiny hive beetle (SHB) can either increase or decrease its activity within beehives, demonstrating remarkable adaptive behaviour. Because of their bimorphism, which is controlled by light and shadow, beekeepers have a special chance to make hive conditions less favourable to SHBs. In order to stay hidden from the bees, these beetles seek for dark, secluded spots within the hive throughout the day. During the night, they ramp up their activity, taking advantage of the darkness to hunt for food and have babies.

Beekeepers can use light to their advantage when fighting SHBs if they understand this behaviour. Beekeepers can ward off SHBs, who are more comfortable in the shade, by putting hives in sunny spots. Incorporating light-permeable areas or using lighter materials in the construction of hives can also make the interior less appealing to beetles that seek gloom.

On the flip side, beekeepers may do their part to lessen the prevalence of beetle-friendly settings by learning to recognise the insects' preferences for dark, damp places. To reduce the humidity that SHBs thrive in, make sure your beehives are well-ventilated and placed in regions with good drainage. To defend their colonies from SHBs, beekeepers might manipulate light and shadow scenes to make them less inviting to the pests.

The Weak Point in the Life Cycle of a Beetle: Pupation

In order to manage populations, beekeepers might exploit a major vulnerability in the small hive beetle's (SHB) life cycle: the pupation stage. The SHB larvae leave the hive and pupate underground, eventually maturing into adults. At this point in their life cycle, the beetles are still immobile and open to specific forms of control since they are undergoing metamorphosis.

Beekeepers have the power to change the environment surrounding their hives in order to interrupt this crucial phase. One tactic is to make the soil as dense and hard as possible so that the larvae have a hard time penetrating it and developing into pupae. Spreading diatomaceous earth or applying soil treatments that are toxic to beetle larvae but harmless to other organisms is another useful strategy. Larvae can also be prevented from reaching good soil pupation locations by erecting physical barriers surrounding the hive region.

Beekeepers can alleviate some of the population pressure on their hives by concentrating on the pupation stage of the beetle life cycle. In order to create targeted treatments that take advantage of this crucial vulnerability in the beetle's growth, it is necessary to comprehend the beetle's lifecycle and habitat preferences. Beekeepers can safeguard their colonies from the devastation caused by SHB infections by employing these measures.

Interrupting the Pupation Cycle

Interrupting the pupation cycle of the small hive beetle (SHB) is a strategic approach that involves soil treatments and habitat manipulation to thwart their development into adulthood. Applying beneficial nematodes to the soil around hives targets SHB larvae directly, as these microscopic worms parasitize and kill the beetle larvae. Altering the physical environment by maintaining dry, well-drained soil conditions also discourages larvae from pupating successfully. Additionally, the use of landscape fabric or gravel beneath hives can physically block larvae from reaching the soil to pupate. These strategies collectively disrupt the life cycle of SHBs at a crucial stage, significantly reducing their populations and protecting bee colonies from infestation.

Dirt Turned Killer

One effective defence against small hive beetle (SHB) larvae is to make the soil around our hives as hard as possible for them to survive. Changing the soil can turn it into a haven for SHB larvae, but it can also become their undoing. This method is based on deliberately altering the environment around the beehives in a way that prevents the larvae from finishing their life cycle.

To prevent larvae from successfully pupating, soil treatments like diatomaceous earth are used. This material physically harms the larvae upon contact. Just as controlling the soil's moisture level to keep it dry makes life difficult for larvae, which like damp soil, doing the opposite makes things worse for them. Preventing the larvae from accessing the soil to pupate can be achieved by using physical barriers such as landscape cloth or a layer of gravel around and around the hives.

The SHB is caught in its most susceptible phase of life cycle by these interventions, which together form a multi-layered defence. Beekeepers can defend their colonies against beetles by creating an uncomfortable environment beneath the hives, which drastically reduces the beetle population. This method not only encourages a sustainable way to safeguard bee colonies without the use of chemical interventions, but it also makes use of the natural environment as a tool for pest management.

Commercial Pesticides: A Double-Edged Sword

Commercial pesticides, while offering a potent solution for controlling small hive beetle (SHB) populations, embody a double-edged sword for beekeepers. Their effectiveness against SHBs cannot be understated; however, the collateral impact on bee colonies and the broader ecosystem introduces significant risks that warrant a critical examination. Pesticides may indeed reduce beetle numbers, but their residual effects can harm beneficial insects, including the very bees they're intended to protect. The delicate balance of the hive's internal environment means that chemical interventions must be approached with caution, as they can disrupt bee behavior, hinder pollination activities, and even lead to bee mortality if not used judiciously.

Moreover, the potential for developing pesticide resistance in SHB populations poses a long-term challenge, potentially rendering these chemicals ineffective over time and forcing beekeepers into a cycle of increasingly potent applications. This scenario underscores the importance of integrated pest management (IPM) strategies that prioritize sustainable and bee-friendly methods over chemical reliance.

Adopting a holistic approach that combines mechanical, cultural, and biological controls with the selective and minimal use of pesticides can mitigate the risks to bee colonies. Such strategies ensure that the use of commercial pesticides remains a carefully considered option rather than a primary defense, preserving the health of bee colonies and the environment they inhabit.

Bury It If You Are Unable to Cure It

Opting for soil treatment methods such as mulching with concrete, asphalt, or plastic offers beekeepers an alternative strategy in creating an environment that's inhospitable to small hive beetle (SHB) larvae. While these methods can be effective in preventing larvae from finding suitable soil for pupation directly beneath the hives, they come with inherent limitations due to their restricted area of action. Despite the barriers created, both larvae and adult beetles exhibit remarkable resilience and adaptability.

Beetle larvae have been shown to possess the ability to embark on extensive journeys in search of the perfect pupation environment. This persistence means that, even in the face of seemingly impenetrable barriers, they can find their way to conducive conditions if they are within a traversable distance. Additionally, adult beetles are not deterred by such physical barriers; their strong olfactory senses allow them to locate and fly to new colonies from considerable distances.

This highlights a crucial insight into the battle against SHBs: the challenge extends beyond the immediate vicinity of the hive. When larvae eventually find suitable soil and mature, they can easily return to the hive or find new ones to infest. This reality underscores the importance of broader, landscape-level strategies in beekeeping practices. Beekeepers are encouraged to not only focus on direct hive vicinity treatments but also consider wider area management practices that address the mobility and lifecycle of SHBs, ensuring a more comprehensive approach to pest management.

Designing Beetle-Resistant Hives

Designing beetle-resistant hives is a proactive approach to minimizing the impact of small hive beetle (SHB) infestations. This strategy involves integrating specific modifications and accessories into hive structures to deter beetles or limit their ability to thrive. One effective modification is the use of screened bottom boards, which allow beetles to fall through while keeping bees safely inside. These screens can be coupled with trays beneath the hive that contain oil or diatomaceous earth to trap and kill fallen beetles.

Another innovative design feature is the incorporation of beetle jails or traps within the hive. These devices exploit the beetles' tendency to hide in dark, tight spaces, capturing them before they can cause harm to the colony. Placement of these traps at strategic locations within the hive can significantly reduce beetle populations.

Additionally, the use of entrance reducers can limit SHB access while still allowing bees to enter and exit the hive freely. Reducing the hive's entrance size makes it more manageable for bees to defend against intruders.

Finally, selecting materials for hive construction that do not retain moisture can help prevent conditions favorable to SHB larvae development. Utilizing these design principles and accessories, beekeepers can create environments that are less inviting to SHBs, enhancing the resilience of their colonies against these pervasive pests.

Lessons Learned and New Directions

The journey of managing small hive beetle (SHB) infestations offers invaluable lessons learned and illuminates new directions for future beekeeping innovations. Historically, beekeepers have experienced a range of successes and failures in beetle management, each providing crucial insights. One significant lesson is the importance of early detection and proactive measures, which have consistently proven to be more effective than reactive responses. Failures, particularly those associated with over-reliance on chemical treatments, have highlighted the need for more sustainable and bee-friendly approaches.

Successes in biological control, such as the use of beneficial nematodes, and mechanical innovations like beetle-resistant hives, underscore the potential of integrating diverse strategies to combat SHBs. These successes encourage a move towards more holistic and environmentally conscious pest management practices.

The evolution of beetle management strategies reveals a clear trajectory towards sustainability, emphasizing the health of bee colonies and the ecosystems they inhabit. Future innovations are likely to continue this trend, focusing on precision beekeeping technologies, improved pest monitoring systems, and the development of natural predator populations. The lessons learned from past approaches set the stage for a new era in beekeeping, where the balance between effective pest control and ecological stewardship defines the path forward.

Staying Informed and Agile

If beekeepers want to keep their colonies safe from the small hive beetle (SHB), they need to keep up with the latest information and be quick on their feet. A dedication to learning and adaptability in beekeeping methods is necessary because to the ever-changing nature of SHB threats and the constant progress in research and technology. The most recent research on beetle behaviour, control methods, and hive management practices should be actively pursued by beekeepers. Among these activities is keeping up with the latest publications, taking part in beekeeping forums, and going to workshops.

When it comes to controlling SHB infestations, adaptability is key. Keepers of beehives need to be flexible enough to reevaluate and adjust their approaches when new information becomes available and when weather patterns change. Implementing new biological controls, trying out different hive designs, or adjusting hive siting and management according to current findings are all examples of what this could entail.

Beekeepers can remain one step ahead of SHB threats by encouraging a mindset of constant learning and adaptation. Better beekeeping methods can emerge from an attitude of openness to change and experimentation. In the end, in fighting small hive beetles, beekeepers who are both knowledgeable and quick on their feet will be able to protect their colonies more effectively than those who are reactive.

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Throughout the globe, honeybee colonies are collapsing due to a deadly virus.

Recent research indicates that a second, more dangerous strain of the deformed wing virus will quickly take centre stage.

Recent research indicates that a second, more dangerous strain of the deformed wing virus will quickly take centre stage.

A devastating virus that attacks bee wings has recently spread around the globe, wreaking havoc on bee populations.

A new strain of deformed wing virus (DWV) appeared in the Netherlands in 2001 and is now causing an upsurge in cases, according to scientists. The virus was initially identified 40 years ago.

The parasite mite known as Varroa Destructor is the primary vector for the virus, which primarily affects honeybees.

Professor Robert Paxton, a zoologist from Germany's Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU), shed light on the topic, explaining that these mites do more than just transmit viruses among honeybees; they also consume the bees' tissues.

The researchers discovered that the virus mutation has already supplanted the original strain in Europe after reviewing data on DWV infections over the previous 20 years. Its rapid global proliferation has made it a danger to beehives everywhere.

Because the Varroa mite has not yet established a widespread presence in Australia, this is probably the reason why the virus has not been identified on any large continent.

It is well-documented that bees are in a precarious situation due to factors such as habitat loss, pesticide use, and climate change. Friends of the Earth, an environmental organisation, reports that one out of ten wild bee populations in Europe are in danger of going extinct.

Countless plants, both wild and domesticated, rely on honeybees as pollinators.

According to Paxton, "Deformed wing virus is the biggest threat to honeybees," even if there are several ways in which people are threatening these vital pollinators.

According to his analysis of over three thousand honeybee and large earth bumblebee datasets, the new variation is more easily transferred and kills bees faster, according to laboratory tests.

What is the impact of the deformed wing virus on bees?

The hallmark of both the original DWV-A strain and its variation, DWV-B, are shrunken wings. However, the virus infiltrates beehives internally.

Bees will have less than 48 hours to live after it takes hold, and additional symptoms include short, rounded abdomens and paralysed legs. Most of the time, bees will remove ill-effecting insects from the hive.

Paxton says that honeybees can be protected from viruses and the Varroa mite in several methods.

Maintaining a clean environment in the hive is of utmost importance. Here, even the most inexperienced beekeeper may take some basic precautions to shield their colony and any strays from the Varroa mite.

Samples collected from bee species, such as huge earth bumblebees, that aren't typically kept commercially also showed signs of the virus.

The future of bumblebees and other wild bees is unknown in light of the virus's potentially catastrophic effects. According to Paxton, commercial bumblebee colonies that have been infected with the virus have not shown a substantial increase in mortality.

Deformed wings virus Wikipedia

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The Debate in Managing Mites: Embracing Data Over Dates

For those dealing with bee varroa, this implies performing mite sampling, tallying the numbers, and formulating a control strategy accordingly.

Varroa mite

The Debate in Managing Mites: Embracing Data Over Dates

As an advocate for evidence-based apiculture, especially when it involves varroa mites, I champion the approach of collecting data to guide decisions. For those dealing with bee varroa, this implies performing mite sampling, tallying the numbers, and formulating a control strategy accordingly.

There was a time, perhaps a decade ago when varroa counts occasionally came back low enough to forego treatment. While that's rarely the case today, understanding your colony's health through data before introducing treatments is crucial.

Hesitations Among New Beekeepers

Conversely, there's an argument, notably from a fellow master beekeeper, suggesting that schedule-based treatments should be considered, particularly for newcomers daunted by the technicalities of varroa management. She argues that the complexity of sampling for varroa mites can be overwhelming for new beekeepers, who are already dealing with the steep learning curve of managing a vibrant hive. She observes:

"In our beekeeping community, we've noticed a trend: most newcomers shy away from regular mite sampling. As the colder months draw near, they often seek assistance, admitting they were unsure about the process and thus postponed it. The initial years are consumed with acclimatizing to the bustling hive, and conducting a thorough varroa count can seem daunting. Additionally, many are opposed to alcohol washes, fearing the loss of any bees."

This reluctance is not without consequence, as procrastination can lead to inaction until it's tragically too late and the hive succumbs to the infestation.

A Workable Alternative

To aid new beekeepers, Janet's club has devised a treatment protocol based on the beekeeping calendar—administering treatments post-harvest, before winter prep, and in the midwinter. This method is driven not just by dates but by significant apicultural milestones, which vary by region, providing a custom schedule for beekeepers in diverse environments.

While data-driven decisions remain my preference, I see the merit in Janet's protocol for varroa-resistant bees, particularly for beginners. It offers a manageable starting point for those hesitant about sampling or unsure of treatment methods.

Persistent Concerns

My lingering concern is that reliance on a schedule could impede the learning of essential skills, like diagnosing mite issues. Mastery of animal care, including beekeeping, requires understanding and performing all necessary tasks, even the unpleasant ones.

By neglecting to test for mites, a beekeeper might miss crucial information. For instance, without pre- and post-treatment counts, one cannot gauge the efficacy of the treatment. There could be a local rise in varroa-resistant bees, or you might inadvertently use an expired treatment without realizing it if you do not monitor mite levels effectively.

Testing's Role in Guiding the Novice

For new beekeepers, especially those unfamiliar with varroa DPI (Drone Pupal Injection) protocols or treatments like oxalic acid vaporization, testing is pivotal. It validates whether the treatment was applied correctly.

Furthermore, tracking data can influence future decisions. Should a product demonstrate diminishing effectiveness, a beekeeper informed by data would likely avoid its future use. High pre-treatment mite loads might also suggest an earlier intervention in subsequent years.

A Temporary Measure for Beginners

Janet's approach could serve as an interim measure while beekeepers gain confidence and expertise. Although sampling isn't anyone's favourite task, the value of the data it provides cannot be overstated. It has spared my colonies on more than one occasion, reminding me of its importance each time I hesitate.

On one occasion, despite using a product renowned for its resistance management, follow-up counts indicated no change in mite load. Without retesting and subsequent action, my hives would have been lost. To this day, I can attest that testing has invariably been more beneficial than not.

To the new beekeepers, if you are interested in varroa-resistant bees for sale, ensure you're equipped with both knowledge and practical experience. While initial guidance may lean on scheduled treatments, evolving towards data-driven management is essential for the well-being of your bees and the mastery of your craft.

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Bees and Pollution: An Understated Crisis

Recent expansions like London's Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) bring into sharp focus the insidious impact of particulate pollution not just on humans but, alarmingly, on the world of insects, notably bees.

air pollution

The Inescapable Grip of Particulate Pollution

Recent expansions like London's Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) bring into sharp focus the insidious impact of particulate pollution not just on humans but, alarmingly, on the world of insects, notably bees. Originating from varied sources such as exhaust fumes, industrial processes, and forest fires, these tiny particles permeate the air and soil, wreaking silent havoc. The question that beckons a troubling introspection is, how deep does this impact run in the delicate ecosystems supported by bees and other insects?

The Silent Effects on Sensory Receptors

A study disclosed in Nature Communications unveils a daunting reality - the sensory receptors of insects, crucial for their survival, are compromised by particulate matter. This revelation, echoing the unsettling discoveries of post-Australian bushfires, suggests a pervasive threat to bees and their surprising intrinsic behaviours. This diminished capacity to detect odours essential for foraging and reproduction poses a direct threat to their survival.

Diesel Exhaust Particles - A Silent Killer

A detailed exploration in the Journal of Hazardous Materials unveils the stealthy assault of diesel exhaust particles on bees. While the acute impacts may seem minimal, chronic exposure leads to increased mortality and an aversion to contaminated nectar. These findings reiterate the need for collective efforts to understand and mitigate these invisible threats, ensuring the health and vitality of honey bees.

Mobilizing a Global Response

In the wake of these revelations, an urgent, global dialogue to counter this environmental conundrum is indispensable. Strategies and solutions rooted in scientific inquiry and ecological compassion are paramount to shield bees from pollution’s encroaching menace and to preserve their crucial role within the ecosystem.

Addressing an Environmental Conundrum

As the tentacles of pollution extend their grip, entwining the unsuspecting world of bees, the perturbing revelations of these studies beckon a consolidated global response. A dialogue transcending geographical and disciplinary boundaries is imperative to unveil the broader impacts, cultivate informed societal responses, and nurture policies grounded in scientific rigour and ecological empathy.

The menace of particulate pollution, highlighted amid discussions of initiatives like London’s ULEZ, underscores a crucial environmental crisis. The sensory receptors of insects, including bees, are at risk, as evidenced by a study delineating reduced odour detection capabilities in flies exposed to polluted air. This issue echoes the eerie aftermath of Australian bushfires where particulate matter accumulation was noted on various insects, pointing towards a universal challenge.

Moreover, another layer of this multifaceted crisis is unveiled in the insidious impacts of diesel exhaust particles on bees. The German study illustrates a grim narrative of increased mortality and repulsion to contaminated nectar, underscoring a silent yet profound ecological impact. These revelations, though alarming, provide a platform for global dialogue, fostering a comprehensive understanding and actionable insights to mitigate this unfolding ecological catastrophe.

Our shared ecosystems, where humans and bees coexist, are teetering on the brink of a crisis precipitated by pollution. The survival and prosperity of bees, instrumental in biodiversity and food security, hinge upon concerted efforts to understand, address, and mitigate the impacts of particulate pollution. These revelations underscore the urgency of a collective response, drawing from scientific insights, policy innovation, and public awareness, to turn the tide and herald a future where bees, and by extension, humanity, can thrive amid clean air and a rejuvenated environment.

Interested readers can explore more about the intricate world of bees, and their integral contributions to ecological balance. Furthermore, insightful resources on improving wildlife-friendly lawns and organic insecticides offer practical steps for every individual to contribute to this global endeavour. Also, the recent approval of the world's first vaccine for honey bees marks a significant milestone in safeguarding their population.

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Approach to the Recent Asian Hornet Incursions in the UK

Originating from Southeast Asia, these invasive species have swiftly crossed borders, igniting significant ecological concerns. In Kent alone, 17 nests have been discovered and subsequently destroyed, with over 60% concentrated in the Dover area.

The tranquil landscapes of the UK, particularly the county of Kent, have recently been interrupted by the unexpected invasion of Asian hornets (Vespa velutina). Originating from Southeast Asia, these invasive species have swiftly crossed borders, igniting significant ecological concerns. In Kent alone, 17 nests have been discovered and subsequently destroyed, with over 60% concentrated in the Dover area. This article delves into the scope of the incursion, the potential ecological impacts, and the coordinated response to mitigate the spread of these voracious predators.

Please report any sightings of Asian hornets here: https://www.bbka.org.uk/asian-hornet-reporting

Unraveling the Invasion 

The Asian hornet’s predilection for temperate climates has facilitated its unanticipated intrusion into the UK. Characterised by their potent stings and aggressive nature, especially when provoked, these hornets prey upon honeybees and other pollinators, leading to dramatic reductions in their populations. The threat is not confined to the biological sphere; it extends to the apiculture industry and biodiversity at large.

Ecological Impacts

Asian hornets can inflict considerable damage to honeybee colonies, thereby destabilising ecosystems dependent on these pollinators. The domino effect touches various plant species and, by extension, the animals dependent on those plants for survival. In the Dover area, where the majority of the nests have been found, local biodiversity is at a heightened risk.

Coordinated Response

The rapid identification and destruction of nests in Kent underscore the critical role of community vigilance and a responsive ecological preservation framework. Collaborative efforts involving the public, conservationists, and the government have been pivotal. Tracking, reporting, and eliminating nests have become paramount activities in the collective bid to curb the Asian hornet’s proliferation.

1. **Public Awareness:**

Public education campaigns focusing on the identification and reporting of Asian hornets and their nests have been instrumental. Workshops, informational materials, and digital platforms are being employed to enhance public participation in tracking the invaders.

 2. **Scientific Intervention:**

Scientists and researchers are intensely studying the biology and behaviour of Asian hornets to develop targeted strategies for their containment and eradication. The role of technology, particularly drones and tracking devices, has been amplified to locate and destroy nests efficiently.

 3. **Policy and Legislation:**

Enhanced policies and legislation are being formulated to fast-track the response to invasive species. Stricter controls on the movement of goods, especially plants and flowers that could harbour these hornets, are under review.

 4. **International Collaboration:**

Given the transboundary nature of the incursion, international cooperation is vital. Sharing knowledge, strategies, and resources can amplify the effectiveness of measures to mitigate the spread and impact of Asian hornets.

The Asian hornet incursion in the UK, notably concentrated in Kent’s Dover area, is a clarion call for concerted efforts to protect delicate ecosystems. Combining public awareness, scientific innovation, stringent policies, and international collaboration is not just a strategy but a necessity. Every nest destroyed is a step closer to preserving the ecological harmony that defines the UK’s lush landscapes, ensuring they are passed down, unblemished, to future generations.

Please report any sightings of Asian hornets here: https://www.bbka.org.uk/asian-hornet-reporting

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7 Secrets to Tackling the Asian Hornets in the UK!

Asian hornets, a non-native species, have made their unwelcome appearance in the UK, causing concerns for the local ecosystem and public safety. With their propensity to prey on honeybees and their painful stings, it’s crucial to understand these invaders to mitigate their impact effectively.

Asian Hornet

Asian hornets, a non-native species, have made their unwelcome appearance in the UK, causing concerns for the local ecosystem and public safety. With their propensity to prey on honeybees and their painful stings, it’s crucial to understand these invaders to mitigate their impact effectively.

Asian Hornets in the UK

Asian hornets have become a significant concern due to their rapid spread and the threat they pose to honeybees and humans alike. Native to Southeast Asia, these hornets found their way to Europe, and subsequently, the UK, exhibiting a resilience and adaptability that has challenged existing pest control measures.

- Identifying Asian Hornets

Recognizing Asian hornets involves observing their distinct physical characteristics. They boast a dark brown or black velvety body, coupled with a characteristically orange face. Unlike the common wasp, Asian hornets have darker legs and a menacing appearance that sets them apart.

- The Invasion Timeline

The first sighting of the Asian hornet in the UK traces back to 2016 in Tetbury, Gloucestershire. Since then, their population has seen an upsurge, compelling authorities and local communities to ramp up measures to contain their expansion. The war against these invasive predators is indeed a race against time.

- The Impact on Local Ecosystems

Asian hornets' predilection for honeybees has led to a decline in bee populations. This not only affects honey production but also the pollination of plants. The hornets’ aggressive nature and ability to swiftly colonize areas has exacerbated the ecological imbalance.

- Measures to Control the Spread

Preventive measures include public awareness campaigns, nest removals, and promoting safety protocols. Collaboration between the government, local communities, and international bodies is central to devising effective strategies to halt the Hornets’ expansion.

The Anatomy of Asian Hornets

Understanding the anatomy and behaviour of Asian hornets is crucial for developing effective control measures.

- Physical Characteristics

Asian hornets exhibit a large, dark body, with a wingspan ranging from 35-45mm. The contrast of their dark hue with bright yellow legs makes them easily identifiable, serving as a visual alert of their presence.

- Behavior Patterns

Asian hornets are notorious for their aggressive behaviour, especially when threatened. They are highly territorial, and their colonies can house thousands of members, each playing a role in the expansion and defence of their nests.

- Nesting Habits

Nests are often located in high places, including treetops and man-made structures. Understanding their nesting patterns is pivotal for effective extermination and the prevention of future infestations.

Safety Measures and Precautions

Taking precautionary measures is vital to ensure personal safety and contribute to the broader effort of controlling the hornet’s population.

- Personal Safety Protocols

Avoiding close encounters, wearing protective clothing, and adhering to safety guidelines when in proximity to their habitats can mitigate the risks associated with Asian hornet stings.

- Community Awareness Initiatives

Raising awareness through educational materials, workshops, and community outreach is crucial. Informed communities are empowered to take collective action, enhancing the effectiveness of control measures.

- Reporting Sightings

Prompt reporting of Asian hornet sightings to authorities ensures timely interventions. Mobile apps and hotlines are available, streamlining the process and facilitating quick response times.It is crucial that any possible sightings are reported so experts can take quick and effective action to eradicate Asian Hornets. The best way is to use the 'Asian Hornet Watch' app to record and report any sightings. The app is available for both Apple and Android devices.

Government and Public Response

The government and the public have a role in formulating and implementing strategies to address the Asian hornet menace.

- Policy Development

Legislation and policies are continuously updated to enhance the effectiveness of control measures, guided by research and the evolving nature of the threat.

- Public Education Campaigns

Educational campaigns focus on equipping the public with knowledge on identification, safety protocols, and reporting mechanisms to collectively combat the hornet invasion.

- Extermination and Control Efforts

Professional extermination services, alongside DIY solutions, contribute to the containment and eradication of Asian hornet populations.

Ecological Concerns and Challenges

The intrusion of Asian hornets brings forth ecological concerns that require concerted efforts to address.

- Threat to Honeybees

The hornets’ predatory nature threatens honeybee populations, impacting honey production and plant pollination, with ripple effects on the entire ecosystem.

- Effects on Biodiversity

Asian hornets contribute to the decline in biodiversity, impacting other wildlife and plant species. Their predatory nature and rapid multiplication exacerbate this issue.

- Long-term Environmental Impact

The long-term effects on the environment encompass a decline in pollinator populations, altered ecosystems, and the need for ongoing interventions to restore ecological balance.

Future Prospects

Addressing the Asian hornet challenge requires innovative and sustained efforts.

- Scientific Research and Studies

Research delves into the hornets’ biology, behavior, and impact, guiding the development of effective control and eradication strategies.

- Technological Interventions

Technology plays a pivotal role, from drones for nest detection to apps for reporting sightings, enhancing the efficiency of control efforts.

- International Cooperation

Collaboration across countries facilitates the sharing of insights, strategies, and resources, amplifying the impact of control measures.


What is the main threat of Asian hornets in the UK?
The primary threat is their predatory nature towards honeybees, leading to reduced pollination and ecological imbalance.

How can the public help in controlling the spread of Asian hornets?
By reporting sightings promptly, avoiding contact, and adhering to safety protocols to prevent stings and potential allergic reactions.

Are there specific policies in place to combat the Asian hornet invasion?
Yes, there are established policies focusing on extermination, public education, and preventive measures to contain their spread.

What role does technology play in controlling Asian hornets?
Technology aids in detection, reporting, and extermination efforts, enhancing efficiency and effectiveness.

How effective have the current control measures been?
Control measures have had varying degrees of success. Public awareness campaigns, extermination efforts, and international cooperation are yielding positive results, but the adaptability of Asian hornets necessitates ongoing innovations in control strategies.

The arrival of Asian hornets in the UK has indeed posed unforeseen challenges. These invasive predators have not only threatened the existence of honeybees but have also stirred ecological concerns that require urgent attention. The public, government, and international bodies are working in unison to devise and implement strategies to contain and possibly eradicate this menace. It is a combined effort that leverages scientific research, technological advancements, policy development, and public participation.

Knowledge, vigilance, and collective action are our strongest weapons against the Asian hornet invasion. With each sighting reported, every safety protocol followed, and through the continual support of the community, we edge closer to a solution. The battle against Asian hornets is as much about protecting our beloved honeybees as it is about preserving the intricate, delicate balance of our ecosystem. Every effort counts, and every initiative matters, in the quest to reclaim our environment from these unwelcome invaders.

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Understanding and Addressing the Crisis of a Queenless Hive

A queenless hive is a term that perfectly encapsulates the crisis that a colony of bees undergoes when it loses its queen - the principal reproducer and ruler of the hive. Bees are eusocial creatures, meaning their societies are characterized by a division of labor and cooperative brood care.

queenless hive

A queenless hive is a term that perfectly encapsulates the crisis that a colony of bees undergoes when it loses its queen - the principal reproducer and ruler of the hive. Bees are eusocial creatures, meaning their societies are characterized by a division of labor and cooperative brood care. This cooperation relies heavily on the queen bee, who is essentially the heart of the hive.

The queen, contrary to popular belief, doesn't rule over the hive but is crucial for its survival and prosperity. As the only bee in the hive capable of laying fertilized eggs, she ensures the continuation of the colony. She also produces pheromones - chemical signals that regulate the behavior and development of other bees in the hive. These pheromones maintain harmony in the hive, promoting cooperation and preventing workers from developing into queens.

When the queen is lost, missing, or dies, the hive becomes queenless. Such a situation can occur due to various reasons like diseases, pests, aging, accidental killing during hive inspections, or even queen bees getting lost during mating flights. This is a crisis for the hive because without a queen, there will be no new brood, and the colony is in danger of gradually dwindling as the worker bees die off.

The colony does have mechanisms to deal with this emergency, as worker bees can start raising a new queen. However, this is a process that requires time and specific conditions to succeed. If a new queen cannot be raised or introduced in time, the hive can become increasingly unstable, leading to its eventual decline and extinction.

In terms of impact, the absence of the queen's pheromones destabilizes the hive's social structure and order. The worker bees, sensing the absence of the queen, may start to develop their own ovaries and lay eggs - a phenomenon known as "laying workers". However, these eggs are unfertilized and give rise to drones (male bees) only, leading to an imbalance in the hive's composition.

Recognizing the signs of a queenless hive is essential for beekeepers to act promptly and save the colony. It's not always easy, but regular hive inspections can help identify key signs like a decline in egg-laying, absence of new brood, aggressive behavior among bees, or the presence of multiple eggs in one cell.

Addressing queenlessness involves either introducing a new queen, combining the queenless hive with a queenright one, or in some cases, allowing the bees to raise a new queen themselves. The best course of action depends on various factors including the time of year, the strength of the colony, and the availability of queens.

Understanding a queenless hive, therefore, involves recognizing its causes, identifying its signs, comprehending its impacts, and taking appropriate action. It is an essential aspect of beekeeping, as maintaining the health of the queen and the hive ensures the sustainability of the colony, contributes to local ecosystems, and promotes the important role bees play in our food systems through pollination.

The Anatomy of a Hive: Roles, Communication, and the Significance of Queen's Pheromones

The beehive is a marvel of natural engineering, a highly organized society where each member has a specific role to play. The three key players within the hive are the queen, the worker bees, and the drones.

The queen bee is the mother of the entire hive, and her primary role is reproduction. She is the only bee in the colony that can lay fertilized eggs, making her crucial to the hive's survival. A healthy queen can lay up to 2000 eggs per day, and she may live for up to five years, though two to three years is more common in practice. However, the queen is not a ruler in the human sense; she does not give orders. Rather, her presence and her pheromones regulate the behavior of the rest of the hive.

The worker bees are sterile females and form the backbone of the hive. Their roles are multifaceted and vary depending on their age. In the first half of their lives, they perform various duties within the hive, including cleaning cells, feeding larvae, and tending to the queen. As they age, they shift to foraging for nectar and pollen, guarding the hive, and ventilating the hive by fanning their wings. Workers are also responsible for producing honey and beeswax and building and maintaining the comb.

Drones, the male bees, have only one function: to mate with a virgin queen. They do not forage or have the ability to sting. After mating, drones die, and any remaining drones are expelled from the hive before winter, as they are a drain on resources.

The communication within the hive is a blend of chemical and behavioral cues. The queen's pheromones play a crucial role in maintaining order. These chemical signals inhibit the worker bees' ovaries, preventing them from laying eggs, and promote a sense of unity among the colony.

Another form of communication within the hive is the famous "waggle dance". Worker bees perform this dance to indicate the location of a food source, its distance from the hive, and its quality. The waggle dance is a fantastic example of non-verbal communication in the animal kingdom and is essential to the hive's survival.

In the absence of the queen, the hive's harmony is disrupted. The loss of her pheromones leads to chaos, as there are no inhibitions on the worker bees laying eggs, which leads to an overpopulation of drones and a decline in hive productivity. Additionally, the lack of new brood could lead to a gradual decline in the hive's population, possibly leading to its demise.

In summary, the anatomy of a hive reveals a complex and intricately organized society. Each bee has a role to play, and the smooth functioning of these roles hinges largely on the queen and her pheromones. A queenless hive faces serious challenges, as the absence of the queen disrupts both reproduction and the social order of the hive. Understanding these dynamics is vital for successful beekeeping, enabling timely intervention to save a queenless hive.

Identifying a Queenless Hive: Spotting the Signs and Conducting Thorough Hive Inspections

Detecting a queenless hive promptly is crucial for a beekeeper because the longer the hive remains without a queen, the greater the risk of its decline. There are certain signs and behaviors in the hive that indicate queenlessness, and learning how to spot these can be a lifesaver for the hive.

Firstly, behavioral changes can be observed in worker bees. When a hive loses its queen, the worker bees can become noticeably more agitated or aggressive. The usual hum of the hive may increase in volume, and bees may act disoriented, flying in and out of the hive without purpose. This erratic behavior is a common sign of a queenless hive.

Secondly, an unusual brood pattern can indicate queenlessness. A healthy, queenright hive will have a solid pattern of brood cells in the center of the comb, surrounded by pollen and honey in the outer cells. In a queenless hive, however, this pattern becomes scattered and uneven, with large gaps where there are no eggs or larvae. Also, instead of seeing eggs laid neatly—one per cell—you may find multiple eggs per cell, which is a sign of laying workers, a common occurrence in a queenless hive.

Finally, the absence of eggs or young larvae is a clear indication of a queenless hive. A queen bee can lay up to 2000 eggs per day, so if the hive has been queenless for a few days, this lack of new brood becomes apparent. If you cannot spot any eggs or young larvae, especially during the spring and summer, when the queen's egg-laying activity is at its peak, it's highly likely the hive is queenless.

Beekeepers must conduct thorough hive inspections regularly to detect these signs of a queenless hive. This involves carefully examining each frame from the hive, looking for the presence of the queen, signs of eggs or larvae, and assessing the brood pattern. It's also essential to observe the behavior of the bees during the inspection, looking for signs of agitation or unusual aggression.

While spotting the queen herself is an obvious confirmation of a queenright hive, beekeepers should remember that queens can be elusive, and not finding her doesn't always mean the hive is queenless. Rather, the presence of eggs and young larvae is a more reliable sign of a queenright hive, as only a queen can lay fertilized eggs.

It's important to remember that early detection and action can save a queenless hive from its eventual decline. By routinely inspecting hives, understanding the signs of queenlessness, and taking immediate action, beekeepers can ensure the continuity and health of their hives.

Deciphering the Causes of a Queenless Hive: From Natural Phenomena to Unnatural Disruptions

A queenless hive can be a jarring crisis for a bee colony. Understanding why a hive might find itself without a queen is the first step in effectively responding to this predicament. Broadly speaking, the reasons can be categorized as natural and unnatural causes.

Natural causes are essentially a part of the bees' lifecycle or the normal functioning of a hive. One of the most common natural causes is swarming. Swarming is a natural process of colony reproduction and occurs when a colony grows too large for its current hive. In preparation for swarming, the old queen slows down her egg-laying, and the workers begin to raise new queens. When the new queens are close to emerging, the old queen leaves the hive with about half of the worker bees to form a new colony. If the timing of the swarming process is misaligned and the old queen leaves before a new queen is ready to take over, the hive can find itself queenless.

Supersedure is another natural cause of a queenless hive. This happens when the queen is failing or is not as productive as she should be. The workers may decide to raise a new queen to replace her, a process known as "supersedure". Occasionally, during supersedure, the old queen might die or be killed before the new queen is ready, resulting in a temporary queenless situation.

Unnatural causes, on the other hand, are typically the result of human intervention or environmental factors. During hive inspections, the queen can be accidentally killed or injured, especially if care is not taken when moving frames around. Considering the queen's importance, accidental harm could rapidly shift the balance of the hive, plunging it into queenlessness.

Another unnatural cause of a queenless hive is the queen getting lost or killed during a mating flight. After emerging, new queens will take one or more mating flights to mate with drones in the air. However, during these flights, the queen can be preyed upon by birds or get lost and fail to return to the hive, leading to a queenless situation.

Diseases and pests also pose a significant threat to the queen. Varroa mites, nosema, viruses, and other pests and diseases can kill or weaken the queen, leaving the hive queenless. Additionally, exposure to pesticides or other environmental toxins can also result in the queen's death.

Hive conditions can also contribute to queenlessness. Poor ventilation, lack of food, or unsuitable hive conditions may stress the bees and impact the queen's survival. Thus, maintaining an optimal environment is crucial for the queen's well-being.

While every hive operates on a thin line of balance, a queenless hive situation can spiral into chaos rapidly if not addressed. Understanding the myriad reasons why a hive might end up without a queen can help beekeepers anticipate and address queenlessness. While natural causes may be beyond a beekeeper's control, understanding these phenomena can prepare them to intervene effectively when necessary. Unnatural causes, conversely, are areas where beekeepers can take active measures to protect the queen and prevent a hive from becoming queenless.

In beekeeping, knowledge is prevention. Understanding the factors that lead to a queenless hive equips beekeepers with the ability to see the signs, make necessary changes, and potentially save the hive from queenlessness. As such, the role of a beekeeper extends from merely keeping bees to actively ensuring the prosperity and continuity of the hive.

Immediate Effects of Queenlessness: Unraveling the Chaos in the Colony

The sudden absence of a queen from a bee colony can have immediate and profound effects on its social structure, productivity, and survival. Understanding these effects can help beekeepers swiftly recognize a queenless situation and take corrective action.

Firstly, the absence of the queen's pheromones sets off a chain reaction in the hive. The queen's pheromones serve to regulate the hive's activity, promote cooperation, suppress the development of workers' ovaries, and maintain order. Without these pheromones, the hive's harmony begins to deteriorate rapidly. Worker bees become agitated and may show signs of aggression. They also tend to move erratically within and around the hive due to a lack of direction, which is usually provided by the queen's pheromones.

Secondly, the loss of the queen results in a decline in egg-laying, and subsequently, a decrease in the hive's population. A productive queen can lay up to 2000 eggs per day. In her absence, no new eggs are being laid, which means no new bees will be emerging to replace older, dying bees. This can significantly reduce the hive's strength and productivity.

The absence of the queen and her pheromones also leads to a phenomenon known as "laying workers". Normally, worker bees are sterile and don't lay eggs. However, in a queenless situation, after a few weeks, some worker bees may start developing active ovaries and lay eggs. But these eggs are unfertilized and develop into drones only. As the number of laying workers increases, the number of drones in the hive also increases. This is problematic because drones do not contribute to the hive's functioning; they do not forage or defend the hive. An overpopulation of drones can drain the hive's resources and further weaken it.

Furthermore, a queenless hive becomes more susceptible to disease and pests. With the declining population and disarray in the colony, disease or pest infestations can spread more easily and quickly. This is because the worker bees, already stretched thin, may fail to adequately remove diseased brood or fend off pests.

The immediate effects of queenlessness are not just limited to the internal workings of the hive. A queenless hive may also fail to fulfill its crucial ecological role, including pollination. With a declining worker population, the number of bees available to forage and pollinate flowers decreases. Given the vital role of bees in pollinating many of the crops we depend on for food, the consequences of a decline in bee populations due to queenlessness could be far-reaching.

To sum up, a queenless hive faces several immediate challenges: disruption of social order, a decline in population and productivity, an increase in laying workers and drone population, greater susceptibility to disease, and a reduction in their role as pollinators. Therefore, a swift and effective response from the beekeeper is crucial to prevent the hive from spiraling into decline and, ultimately, collapse. By understanding the immediate effects of queenlessness, beekeepers can be better prepared to spot the signs early and take the necessary steps to remedy the situation.

Options for a Queenless Hive: Pathways to Restoration and Continuity

When confronted with a queenless hive, a beekeeper has several options at their disposal. Each option has its advantages and considerations and the choice depends on the circumstances of the hive, the season, and the beekeeper's management preferences.

1. Allow the Bees to Rear a New Queen: This is a natural course of action and can be the simplest method, provided the hive has larvae less than three days old. Worker bees can feed these larvae royal jelly to develop them into queens. However, this process takes time—approximately 16 days for a new queen to emerge, a few more days for her to mature and mate, and then another few days before she starts laying eggs. All in all, it can take around a month for the new queen to start replenishing the hive's population. During this time, the hive will continue to age and no new bees will be added. This option is best suited for early in the season when ample drones are available for the new queen to mate with.

2. Introduce a New Queen: This method involves introducing a mated queen purchased from a queen breeder. It's the quickest way to restore a queenright status, as the introduced queen will begin to lay eggs shortly after her introduction. However, this method is not without its risks. The hive may not accept the new queen and could kill her. To mitigate this risk, the queen is usually introduced in a queen cage, which allows the bees to get used to her pheromones before she is released. It's essential to monitor the hive closely to ensure the queen's acceptance.

3. Combine the Queenless Hive with a Queenright Hive: If a beekeeper manages multiple hives, they may choose to merge the queenless hive with a queenright one. This process, known as "combining", involves placing the queenless hive on top of the queenright hive with a sheet of newspaper between them. By the time the bees chew through the paper and mingle, they've become used to each other's scent and accept each other, thus avoiding any major conflict. The downside of this method is that it results in one less hive. It's also crucial to ensure that the combined hive doesn't become overcrowded, leading to swarming.

4. Install a Frame of Eggs and Young Larvae from Another Hive: This option involves transferring a frame containing eggs and young larvae from a healthy, queenright hive into the queenless hive. Given the correct resources, worker bees will select suitable larvae and start raising a new queen. This method's success relies on the presence of a queenright hive and, similar to the first option, requires a significant waiting period for the new queen to start laying eggs.

5. Use a Queen Cell from Another Hive: If a beekeeper has access to a queen cell from another hive, they could introduce this into the queenless hive. Upon emergence, the new queen will mate and begin laying eggs. While this method can save time compared to allowing the bees to rear a new queen, it requires careful handling to avoid damaging the delicate queen cell.

Each option for remedying a queenless hive carries its own set of pros and cons. As such, it's essential for a beekeeper to consider the hive's specific circumstances, local resources, and their own beekeeping goals before deciding on the best course of action. Addressing queenlessness promptly is critical to ensuring the survival and continuity of the hive, emphasizing the importance of regular hive checks and an understanding of queen bee biology in successful beekeeping.

Understanding and Preventing Swarms: Ensuring Hive Stability and Productivity

Swarming is a natural process in the life cycle of honey bees and serves as a means for colonies to reproduce. However, for beekeepers, swarming can pose challenges as it often results in a significant reduction in hive population and, consequently, a decrease in honey production. Understanding the dynamics of swarming and implementing preventive measures can be instrumental in maintaining hive stability and productivity.

Understanding Swarming

Swarming usually occurs in spring and early summer, triggered by several factors including colony congestion, an abundance of nectar and pollen, and the aging of the queen. When a colony decides to swarm, it raises new queens, and the old queen leaves the hive with about half of the worker bees. The swarm then clusters at a nearby location while scout bees look for a new home.

Swarms are generally not aggressive as their primary goal is to protect the queen and find a new nesting location. However, the sight of a large cluster of bees can be alarming to the public and may pose challenges if they settle in inconvenient locations.

Preventing Swarms

While it's not possible to eliminate swarming entirely, beekeepers can take steps to significantly reduce its likelihood, thereby maintaining hive productivity.

1. Provide Adequate Space: One of the main triggers for swarming is overcrowding in the hive. Ensuring that there is enough room for the colony to expand can help delay or prevent swarming. This can be achieved by adding extra supers for honey storage or brood boxes for the queen to lay eggs.

2. Regular Hive Inspections: Regularly inspecting the hive allows the beekeeper to spot signs of swarming, such as the construction of queen cells. If these signs are detected, prompt action can be taken to prevent the swarm.

3. Swarm Control Methods: Several swarm control methods can be implemented if signs of swarming are spotted. These include methods like 'artificial swarming' where the beekeeper mimics the swarming process, or 'demareeing', which involves rearranging the hive boxes to disrupt the swarm preparation.

4. Queen Management: Regularly replacing the queen with a young, prolific queen can help reduce the swarming impulse. Younger queens tend to lay more eggs and produce stronger pheromones, which can suppress the colony's desire to swarm.

5. Provide Good Ventilation: Bees can also swarm due to poor ventilation in the hive. Making sure that the hive has good ventilation can help keep the hive cool and prevent swarming.

Swarming is an intricate process deeply ingrained in the honey bees' reproductive behavior. For beekeepers, understanding this phenomenon is not about preventing it completely, but managing it to minimize its impact on hive productivity. By understanding the factors that contribute to swarming, beekeepers can implement preventive strategies that respect the bees' natural instincts while ensuring the hive's health and productivity. In essence, effective swarm management is a testament to the beekeeper's expertise, balancing the needs of the bees with the objectives of beekeeping.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. What happens to a hive when the queen bee dies?

    When a queen bee dies, the hive becomes queenless, and its social structure begins to deteriorate. Worker bees may become agitated and directionless due to the absence of the queen's pheromones. The queen's death also causes a halt in egg-laying, leading to a decline in the hive's population over time. If a new queen isn't raised or introduced promptly, some worker bees may start laying unfertilized eggs, which develop into drones, further straining the hive's resources.

  2. Can a hive survive without a queen?

    A hive cannot survive in the long term without a queen. The queen is responsible for laying all the eggs and producing pheromones that regulate the hive's functioning. Without a queen, there will be no new bees to replace the aging and dying population, leading to the eventual collapse of the colony.

  3. How long can a hive survive without a queen?

    The survival of a hive without a queen largely depends on the hive's initial conditions, such as the age distribution of bees and availability of food. However, without a new generation of bees, the colony will likely die out within a few weeks to a few months as the existing bees age and die.

  4. Can worker bees become a queen?

    Worker bees cannot become a queen in their adult stage. However, if a hive becomes queenless, worker bees can select a few young larvae (not older than three days) and feed them with royal jelly, causing them to develop into queens.

  5. What causes a hive to become queenless?

    Several factors can lead to a hive becoming queenless. These include the natural death of the queen due to age or disease, accidental killing of the queen by the beekeeper during hive inspections, or the queen leaving the hive during a swarm.

  6. What are the signs of a queenless hive?

    Signs of a queenless hive include a lack of brood or eggs, chaotic and agitated behavior among worker bees, an increase in drone population, and eventually, the appearance of laying workers.

  7. What should I do if my hive is queenless?

    If your hive is queenless, options include allowing the bees to rear a new queen, introducing a new queen, combining the queenless hive with a queenright hive, or installing a frame of eggs and young larvae from another hive.

  8. Can I prevent my hive from becoming queenless?

    While it might not be possible to prevent all instances of queenlessness, careful hive management can reduce the risk. Regular hive inspections can help detect issues early, and gentle handling can prevent accidental killing of the queen.

  9. What is a laying worker and why is it problematic?

    A laying worker is a worker bee that starts laying eggs in the absence of a queen. However, worker bees can only lay unfertilized eggs, which develop into drones. Having too many drones can drain the hive's resources as drones do not contribute to foraging or other hive duties.

  10. What is a queen cell?

A queen cell is a special, vertically-oriented cell constructed by worker bees to rear a new queen. Queen cells are larger than regular brood cells and are lavishly fed with royal jelly to trigger the development of the resident larva into a queen.

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The Hidden Dangers of Pesticides and How to Protect Your Bees

Pesticides are a common threat to bees and other pollinators, but many beekeepers and gardeners might not be aware of their full impact. In this article, we'll explore the hidden dangers of pesticides and discuss how you can protect your bees from their harmful effects. We'll also discuss some alternative methods for pest control that are less harmful to bees.

Pesticides are a common threat to bees and other pollinators, but many beekeepers and gardeners might not be aware of their full impact. In this article, we'll explore the hidden dangers of pesticides and discuss how you can protect your bees from their harmful effects. We'll also discuss some alternative methods for pest control that are less harmful to bees.

The Dangers of Pesticides to Bees

Pesticides pose a range of dangers to bees, affecting their health, behaviour, and overall survival. Here, we delve deeper into the various ways in which pesticides can harm bees:

1. Acute toxicity

Acute toxicity occurs when bees are exposed to a high concentration of pesticides, leading to immediate death or severe harm. This can happen when bees come into direct contact with pesticide residues on plants, water, or soil. Acute toxicity can cause the death of a large number of bees, significantly impacting the overall health and survival of the colony.

2. Chronic toxicity

Chronic toxicity occurs when bees are exposed to low levels of pesticides over an extended period of time. This can result in sub-lethal effects, including impaired immune systems, reduced reproduction rates, and increased vulnerability to diseases and parasites. Chronic toxicity can weaken a colony, making it more susceptible to collapse.

3. Behavioral changes

Pesticides can interfere with the bees' ability to forage, communicate, and navigate. For instance, exposure to neonicotinoids can impair the bees' ability to learn and remember floral scents, making it difficult for them to find food. Moreover, these pesticides can affect the bees' waggle dance, a form of communication used to share information about food sources. This disruption in communication can lead to a decline in colony foraging efficiency.

4. Contamination of food sources

Pesticides can contaminate nectar and pollen, which bees collect and bring back to the hive. When these contaminated food sources are fed to larvae and other bees within the colony, it can lead to developmental issues, weakened immune systems, and, in severe cases, death.

5. Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD)

Pesticide exposure has been linked to Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), a phenomenon where worker bees mysteriously disappear, leaving the queen, brood, and a small number of nurse bees behind. This leaves the colony unable to sustain itself, eventually leading to its collapse. Researchers believe that neonicotinoids and other pesticides may play a role in CCD by impairing bees' immune systems and making them more susceptible to diseases and parasites.

6. Synergistic effects

Pesticides can also have synergistic effects, where the combined impact of multiple pesticides is greater than the sum of their individual effects. This can lead to more severe harm to bees, as they can be exposed to multiple pesticides in their environment.

How to Protect Your Bees from Pesticides

Protecting bees from the harmful effects of pesticides is crucial for their survival and the overall health of our ecosystems. Here are some steps you can take to protect your bees from pesticides:

1. Plant a bee-friendly garden

Create a diverse garden with a variety of flowering plants that bloom at different times throughout the year. This will provide a consistent food source for bees, reducing their need to forage in areas where pesticides might be used. Choose native plants, which are typically more attractive to local bee species and require fewer pesticides.

2. Avoid using pesticides

Refrain from using pesticides in your garden, and opt for organic and environmentally friendly pest control methods instead. If you must use a pesticide, choose one that is less toxic to bees and follow the label instructions carefully. Apply the pesticide in the evening when bees are less active, and avoid spraying during windy conditions, which can cause the pesticide to drift to other areas.

3. Encourage responsible pesticide use in your community

Educate your neighbours, friends, and local community about the dangers of pesticides to bees and the importance of responsible pesticide use. Advocate for integrated pest management (IPM) practices, which focus on prevention and biological control methods instead of relying solely on chemical pesticides.

4. Provide a clean water source

Bees need water to cool their hives, dilute honey, and maintain their overall health. Providing a clean water source near your beehive can prevent bees from visiting contaminated water sources that may contain pesticide residues.

5. Monitor your bees and report any incidents

Regularly inspect your beehives and keep an eye out for signs of pesticide exposure, such as dead or dying bees, erratic behaviour, or reduced foraging activity. If you suspect pesticide poisoning, report the incident to local authorities or pesticide regulators, who can investigate and take appropriate action.

6. Collaborate with local farmers

Establish open communication with nearby farmers and landowners to discuss their pesticide use and its potential impact on bees. Share information about alternative pest control methods and encourage them to adopt practices that minimize harm to bees, such as using less toxic pesticides, applying pesticides in the evening, or creating buffer zones between treated crops and areas where bees forage.

7. Support research and conservation efforts

Contribute to research efforts and organizations dedicated to studying the effects of pesticides on bees and finding ways to mitigate their impact. Support conservation initiatives that promote the protection and restoration of bee habitats and encourage the adoption of bee-friendly agricultural practices.

By taking these steps to protect your bees from pesticides, you are not only safeguarding your own colony but also contributing to the overall health of the environment and the future of bee populations worldwide.

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The Impact of Climate Change on Bees and Beekeeping Practices

Climate change is a critical issue affecting ecosystems worldwide, and its impact on bees and beekeeping practices is a growing concern. As pollinators, bees play a vital role in maintaining biodiversity and supporting global food production. This article will explore the impact of climate change on bees and how beekeeping practices need to adapt to safeguard these essential creatures.

Climate change

Climate change is a critical issue affecting ecosystems worldwide, and its impact on bees and beekeeping practices is a growing concern. As pollinators, bees play a vital role in maintaining biodiversity and supporting global food production. This article will explore the impact of climate change on bees and how beekeeping practices need to adapt to safeguard these essential creatures.

The Effects of Climate Change on Bees

Changing Habitats and Food Sources

Climate change is causing shifts in plant flowering times and the distribution of plant species. As a result, the availability and quality of food sources for bees are changing. These changes impact the bees' ability to find sufficient nutrition and can lead to weaker colonies and decreased honey production. To support bees in a changing environment, growing a lawn that is better for wildlife and planting for bees in spring are essential actions.

Increased Pests and Diseases

Rising temperatures and humidity levels can lead to an increase in pests and diseases affecting bees. For example, the varroa mite and diseases like American and European foulbrood are becoming more prevalent. Beekeepers must be vigilant in monitoring and treating these issues using methods such as oxalic acid treatment for varroa mites and employing comprehensive strategies for combating American foulbrood.

Colony Collapse and Absconding

Climate change can lead to colony collapse disorder (CCD) and increased absconding, where bees abandon their hives due to unfavorable conditions. Factors such as lack of food sources, increased pests, and diseases contribute to these issues. Beekeepers must be able to recognize the signs of absconding and take appropriate action to prevent it. Learn more about what causes bees to leave their hive and how to address the situation.

Adapting Beekeeping Practices in Response to Climate Change

Adjusting Hive Management Techniques

With changing conditions, beekeepers must adapt their hive management techniques to support healthy bee populations. This includes regular inspections to monitor hive health, adjusting feeding practices, and implementing treatments for pests and diseases.

Selecting the Right Beehive Type

Choosing the right beehive type is crucial for supporting bees in a changing climate. Beekeepers need to consider factors such as ventilation, insulation, and ease of management when selecting a hive. Learn more about choosing the right beehive type for your needs.

Creating Bee-Friendly Environments

Supporting bees through habitat creation and enhancement is essential in the face of climate change. This includes planting diverse, bee-friendly gardens and managing landscapes to provide resources for bees throughout the year. For more information, explore our guide on creating a bee-friendly garden.

Education and Awareness

Raising awareness about the importance of bee sand the impact of climate change on their populations is crucial for inspiring action and promoting sustainable beekeeping practices. By sharing knowledge on the fascinating world of the queen bee, the short lifespan of honey bees, and the amazing world of honey bees, we can educate the public on the importance of bees and the challenges they face.

Supporting Bee Research and Conservation

Investing in research and conservation initiatives is critical for understanding the impact of climate change on bees and developing effective strategies to protect them. Support for research can lead to innovations like the world's first vaccine for honey bees and better understanding of potential threats, such as the risk of small hive beetle infestations.

Promoting Sustainable Agricultural Practices

Agricultural practices have a significant impact on bee populations, and promoting sustainable methods can help protect bees from the effects of climate change. Encouraging the use of homemade organic insecticides for vegetables and advocating against the use of harmful pesticides, like those that have been given emergency approval, are vital steps towards creating a more bee-friendly world.


Climate change poses significant challenges to bees and beekeeping practices, but by understanding these impacts and adapting our methods, we can work towards a more sustainable future for these essential creatures. By adjusting hive management techniques, creating bee-friendly environments, and promoting education and research, we can ensure the continued health and success of bee populations in the face of climate change.

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The Endangered Honey Bees: The Importance of Bee Conservation and Management

This essay aims to raise awareness about endangered honey bees and provide insights into the importance of bee conservation and management.

Honeybees are vital in our ecosystems, agriculture, and food production. Unfortunately, these essential pollinators face numerous threats, leading to their decline in recent years. This essay aims to raise awareness about endangered honey bees and provide insights into the importance of bee conservation and management. As a beekeeping myself, I will discuss the threats honey bees face, the significance of beekeeping practices, and how we can support their populations. By understanding the challenges and implementing appropriate measures, we can work together to protect and promote healthy honey bee colonies.

The Plight of Honey Bees

Honey bees pollinate a wide range of flowering plants, including many of the fruits, vegetables, and nuts that make up a significant portion of our diets. The global decline in honey bee populations severely threatens our food systems, economies, and ecosystems. As honey bees face increasing challenges, it is crucial to identify the factors contributing to their decline and implement strategies to protect and support their populations.

Threats to Honey Bees

Several factors are responsible for the decline in honey bee populations, including pesticides, parasites, diseases, and habitat loss. Understanding these threats and their impact on honey bee populations is crucial for implementing effective conservation strategies.


The widespread use of pesticides in agriculture has been linked to the decline in honey bee populations. Some pesticides, such as neonicotinoids, have been given emergency approval despite their known harmful effects on bees. These chemicals can cause disorientation, impaired foraging abilities, and even death in honey bees, ultimately weakening colonies and causing population declines.

Parasites and Diseases

Honey bees are susceptible to various parasites and diseases, which can weaken or even wipe out entire colonies. The Varroa destructor mite is one of the most devastating parasites, feeding on the blood of adult bees and their larvae, ultimately weakening the colony and making it susceptible to diseases. In addition to the Varroa mite, honey bees face threats from various bacterial and viral diseases, such as American foulbrood and European foulbrood.

Habitat Loss

The loss of natural habitats due to urbanisation, deforestation, and agricultural intensification has significantly impacted honey bee populations. The reduction in available forage and nesting sites limits the resources available to honey bees, ultimately leading to a decline in their populations.

The Importance of Beekeeping

Beekeeping is critical in supporting honey bee populations and promoting their health. Responsible beekeeping practices can help mitigate honey bees' threats and contribute to their conservation.

Inspections and Disease Management

Regular inspections are an essential aspect of responsible beekeeping. By monitoring the health of honey bee colonies, beekeepers can identify early signs of disease or parasite infestations and take appropriate actions to manage these issues. This proactive approach can help prevent the spread of diseases and reduce the overall impact on honey bee populations.

Bee Behaviour and Habits

Understanding honey bee behaviour and habits is crucial for effective beekeeping. Beekeepers can better support and manage their colonies by learning about their foraging patterns, communication methods, and colony dynamics. This knowledge can also inform the design of pollinator-friendly landscapes and habitats, which can help support wild honey bee populations.

Bee Imports and Biosecurity

The importation of bees can introduce new diseases and pests, posing a significant threat to local honey bee populations. As a result, it is crucial to ensure proper biosecurity measures are in place. For example, the small hive beetle is an invasive species that can cause severe damage to honey bee colonies, and controlling its spread is essential for protecting local populations.

The endangered honey bees are essential pollinators that play a vital role in our ecosystems and food production. Addressing their threats, such as pesticide exposure, parasites, diseases, and habitat loss, is crucial for their conservation. Beekeeping practices, including regular inspections, understanding bee behaviour and habits, and ensuring biosecurity, are vital to supporting healthy honey bee populations.

By raising awareness about the challenges honey bees face and implementing effective conservation strategies, we can work together to protect these invaluable creatures and ensure the stability of our food systems and ecosystems for future generations.

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Combating American Foulbrood: Comprehensive Strategies for Beekeepers

American Foulbrood (AFB) is a devastating bacterial disease that affects honey bee larvae. As beekeepers, we need to protect our colonies from this deadly threat. In this guide, we will outline the signs and symptoms of AFB and its causes and provide actionable strategies for prevention and treatment.

American Foulbrood (AFB) is a devastating bacterial disease that affects honey bee larvae. As beekeepers, we are responsible for protecting our colonies from this deadly threat. In this comprehensive guide, we will outline the signs and symptoms of AFB and its causes and provide actionable strategies for prevention and treatment.

Identifying AFB: Signs and Symptoms

Early detection is crucial in managing AFB. Here are the key signs and symptoms to look for in your colonies:

2.1 Irregular Brood Pattern

  • Unsealed cells scattered among capped brood cells

  • Sunken, greasy, or perforated cappings

2.2 Foul Odor

  • A distinctive and unpleasant smell is often described as rotten or sour.

2.3 Ropey Test

  • A positive ropey test result, where a small stick inserted into a diseased cell pulls out a long, mucus-like thread

2.4 Scale Formation

  • Dark, hard, and brittle scales formed by dead larvae adhering to the cell walls

Causes of AFB: The Foul Offender

The spore-forming bacterium Paenibacillus larvae cause AFB. The spores are ingested by young larvae and germinate within their gut. Once the vegetative form of the bacterium establishes, it releases toxins that kill the larvae. The dead larvae then become a source of new spores, which can contaminate the entire colony and spread to other hives.

Preventing AFB: Proactive Measures

To minimize the risk of AFB, beekeepers must adopt these best practices:

4.1 Apiary Hygiene

  • Regularly clean and sanitize hive tools and equipment

  • Avoid feeding bees with honey or pollen from unknown sources

  • Inspect colonies routinely for signs of disease

4.2 Strong Colonies

  • Maintain strong, healthy colonies with robust queen bees

  • Provide adequate nutrition and manage pests and diseases

4.3 Beekeeper Education

  • Stay informed about AFB and other bee diseases

  • Attend workshops, conferences, and webinars for ongoing learning

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Treating AFB: Effective Solutions

When AFB is detected, immediate action is required. Follow these steps to manage the outbreak:

5.1 Colony Destruction

  • Safely destroy the infected colony by burning the hive, frames, and bees.

5.2 Equipment Treatment

  • Treat salvageable equipment with radiation or heat to kill AFB spores.

5.3 Apiary Quarantine

  • Quarantine the affected apiary to prevent the spread of AFB to neighbouring colonies.

5.4 Antibiotics

  • Use antibiotics such as oxytetracycline only as a last resort and follow local regulations.

The Importance of Reporting AFB

Beekeepers need to report suspected AFB cases to their local agricultural authorities. Early reporting can help:

  • Identify and contain outbreaks promptly

  • Provide expert guidance on managing the situation

  • Protect neighbouring colonies and the wider beekeeping community

By collaborating with authorities, beekeepers play a crucial role in preventing the spread of AFB and maintaining healthy bee populations.


American Foulbrood is a dangerous and highly contagious disease that significantly threatens honey bee colonies. As responsible beekeepers, we must stay vigilant for signs of AFB and take decisive action when needed. By implementing proactive prevention strategies, treating outbreaks effectively, and collaborating with local authorities, we can protect our colonies and contribute to the health and sustainability of the beekeeping industry.

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European Foulbrood (EFB): What is it And How is it Treated?

European foulbrood (EFB) is a bacterial brood disease that poses a significant challenge for beekeepers worldwide. The United Kingdom, in particular, has struggled to contain this disease, with EFB being the country's most widely spread bacterial brood disease. 

european foulbrood

European foulbrood

European foulbrood (EFB) is a bacterial brood disease that poses a significant challenge for beekeepers worldwide. The United Kingdom, in particular, has struggled to contain this disease, with EFB being the country's most widely spread bacterial brood disease. 

While EFB has yet to spread to New Zealand, it is present in eastern Australia. Without strong preventative measures, this disease is likely to continue spreading to other areas that have not been affected.

EFB primarily affects the brood, which is the bee's offspring. The bacteria responsible for EFB can penetrate the brood cell and infect the larvae, causing them to die. The bacteria can then produce spores that can survive in the environment for years, infecting new colonies and perpetuating the disease.

The effect it has on the hive

European foulbrood (EFB) is a bacterial brood disease caused by the Melissococcus pluton bacterium. This disease primarily affects the bee larvae and can cause a significant reduction in the hive's capacity. If left unchecked, EFB can lead to the death of the entire colony.

The larvae become infected with the bacterium when they consume contaminated food. The bacteria then multiply in the larvae's gut and produce toxins that can cause the larvae to die. The dead larvae turn brown and form a slimy mass, which is highly contagious and can spread to other larvae and colonies.

In addition to contaminated food, European foulbrood (EFB) can be transmitted through other means. One way that EFB can spread is through robbing. A colony that EFB weakens is more susceptible to robbing, which increases the likelihood of the infection spreading to other hives.

Beekeeping equipment can also be a source of EFB contamination if it is not adequately cleaned and disinfected. For instance, hive tools, smokers, and protective gear can be contaminated, spreading the infection to other colonies.

Transferring combs from infected hives to a previously uninfected hive can also transmit EFB. Beekeepers must ensure that they do not share equipment or combs from infected hives with uninfected ones without proper cleaning and disinfection.

Preventing the spread of EFB requires a comprehensive approach that includes practising good hygiene, regular inspections, and appropriate management strategies. Beekeepers must avoid robbing and ensure all equipment is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. Additionally, beekeepers must carefully manage the transfer of combs between colonies to prevent the spread of the disease.

The larvae of a hive can become infected with a bacterium that grows within their gut. This bacterium consumes most of the food the larvae ingests, leading to starvation and death. 

However, if the larvae manage to survive the disease and undergo metamorphosis into a pupa, they will then excrete more of the bacterium through their faeces, perpetuating the spread of the infection within the hive. On the other hand, if the larvae succumb to the disease, they will dry out and turn into a dark scale, contributing to the infection's proliferation.

Hives are particularly vulnerable to infections when exposed to stressors such as relocation, unfavourable weather conditions, or inadequate nutrition. Even when the symptoms of a disease are not apparent, the bacterium can persist within the hive and reemerge if the hive experiences stress from external factors. It is essential to monitor hives and provide optimal conditions to reduce the risk of infections and their potential resurgence.

What to look for and how to detect

Early detection of European Foulbrood (EFB) can be challenging due to the behaviour of worker bees, who often remove diseased larvae. Some larvae may die before being capped, while others may die after capping, leading to misdiagnosis with American Foulbrood. To help identify EFB in their hives, beekeepers should be aware of the following symptoms:

  • A change in colour of the diseased larvae from white to a yellowish brown

  • Dead larvae that may have a watery consistency

  • The presence of a sour odour

  • An uneven brood pattern with a mixture of capped and uncapped cells.

It is essential for beekeepers to regularly monitor their hives and be aware of these symptoms to diagnose and treat EFB infections promptly.

As European Foulbrood (EFB) is most likely to occur in the spring or autumn seasons, it is recommended that beekeepers conduct a minimum of two thorough examinations of their hives annually during these times. To perform the examination, beekeepers should remove each frame, gently brush off the bees, and carefully inspect it for any of the symptoms listed above.

Preventative measures

The most effective way to protect hives from European Foulbrood (EFB) is to prevent infections from occurring in the first place. Although it is not possible to eliminate the risk, the following steps can significantly reduce it:

  • Maintaining high levels of hive hygiene by cleaning all beekeeping equipment and avoiding the introduction of unknown bees or equipment to the hive.

  • Replacing the queen bee with a young and healthy queen regularly. Ideally, breed from bees that have already been proven to be disease-resistant.

  • Taking precautions when moving bees to minimize stress, as stress is a significant risk factor for EFB.

  • Providing bees with access to ample supplies of pollen and nectar and using artificial feeding methods when necessary to maintain low-stress levels.

By implementing these measures, beekeepers can help protect their hives from EFB and ensure the health of their colonies.

Treatment and Control

European Foulbrood (EFB) can be treated with antibiotics. Still, the widespread use of antibiotics may result in the development of antibiotic-resistant strains of the bacterium. As a result, the most effective way to control the spread of the disease is to destroy affected colonies.

Suppose multiple colonies are present, and more than 10% display symptoms of EFB. In that case, it is recommended that every colony be treated. This approach helps to prevent the spread of the disease and ensure the health of the remaining colonies. It is essential to follow the guidance of a professional beekeeper or veterinarian when dealing with EFB to effectively manage the disease and minimize its impact on the hives.

If you suspect you have Foulbrood, contact your local Inspector.

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A Pesticide that Harms Bees Has Been Given Emergency Approval

The UK government has once more granted an emergency exemption to a type of pesticide that was previously prohibited due to its potential detrimental effects on bees.

The UK government has once more granted an emergency exemption to a type of pesticide that was previously prohibited due to its potential detrimental effects on bees.

To safeguard sugar beet crops from a harmful virus transmitted primarily by aphids, authorization was granted to use a neonicotinoid on the seeds.

Despite warnings from an independent body of pesticide experts, the authorization was granted. Friends of the Earth expressed shock at this brazen move, but Michael Sly - Chairman for NFU Sugar Board - expressed relief over the decision.

The English sugar beet crop faces an uphill battle due to virus yellows disease, leading to losses of up to 80%. The British-operated sugar industry is actively searching for permanent solutions in order to combat this affliction, according the spokesperson.

Strict limitations have been set by Defra regarding the use of thiamethoxam, a type of seed treatment. The pesticide can be administered only if an independent modelling predicts that yellows virus incidence is 63% or more to ensure minimal environmental risks and maximum efficacy.

The persistent ban on neonicotinoid pesticides remains in effect. After thorough study, Minister Mark Spencer declared the emergency authorization necessary to protect farmers and their industry from harm.

Heeding the advice of the Health and Safety Executive, as well as that of Defra's Chief Scientific Adviser Professor Gideon Henderson, and in accordance with The Expert Committee on Pesticides' (ECP) guidance, a decision was made.

Despite this, the ECP did not endorse approval and proclaimed: "Based on our evaluation of potential risks, there is a possibility that honey bee survival would decrease as well as their ability to return home after foraging trips – which in turn could lead to decreased survival rates."

The Health and Safety Executive expressed worry over the potential risks posed to bees as they forage on pollen and nectar from flowering crops planted in fields that have formerly held sugar beet treated with chemicals. Professor Henderson proposed a solution, suggesting landowners must wait 32 months before planting any new flowering crop in order to minimize this risk.

In his insight, he articulated: "There is incontrovertible proof that neonicotinoids are damaging to numerous species other than those they're designed to target, and even more so for pollinators including bees."

In permitting the authorisation, the Minister admitted that there still existed "a degree of ambiguity as to potential harm caused to bees."

Despite the pesticide not usually receiving permitting, for a third straight year, the government has been compelled to grant an emergency dispensation.

Sandra Bell of Friends the Earth has expressed her dismay at this "incredibly brazen" action, which blatantly disregards advice from scientific advisors and could result in catastrophic consequences for bees and other vital pollinators.

As the health of humanity and our planet rely on their survival, it is the government's responsibility to safeguard wildlife and remove pesticides from crops permanently. Recently, in light of a ruling by the Court of Justice of the European Union that blocks exemptions for EU countries using neonicotinoids-treated seeds on their crops, these measures are now being implemented in the UK.

What are your thought on this?

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Imports of Bees Are at "Serious Risk" of Becoming Infested by the Small Hive Beetle

British beekeepers are alarmed by the potential "imminent and severe danger" posed to honey bees due to businesses' plans of importing them from southern Italy via Northern Ireland. Rightfully, they are concerned that Small Hive Beetles (SHB) may be overlooked when dealing with bee packages and could cause extensive damage to colonies.

British beekeepers are alarmed by the potential "imminent and severe danger" posed to honey bees due to businesses' plans of importing them from southern Italy via Northern Ireland. Rightfully, they are concerned that Small Hive Beetles (SHB) may be overlooked when dealing with bee packages and could cause extensive damage to colonies. This invasive species, native to Africa, has been present in southern Italy since 2014 and could spread even further if not contained.

According to Defra, the beetle can swiftly increase its population in large numbers within affected environments. This ravenous insect consumes larvae, honey, and pollen while also demolishing combs and causing fermentation of the honey, resulting in its spoilage.

Unimpeded, beetle infestations can be detrimental to a colony's future. Within two years of discovery in the United States alone, more than 20,000 colonies had been annihilated by them. Since Brexit has taken effect, however, bees from the EU are no longer able to be imported into Britain; previously upon arrival, packages of bees were inspected for health issues and then released into general circulation.

Although Northern Ireland remains in the EU, bees can still be imported to the region. Since it is part of the UK, they can also enter without restriction into that nation as well. However, due to rarely importing any bees before now there isn't a robust inspection service available yet according to British Beekeepers Association (BBKA).

In an official statement, a spokesperson declared that beekeeping associations throughout the UK are united in their consensus that importing bees from outside countries is contrary to best practices for safeguarding the environment.

We should be greatly concerned over the threat of a beekeeping business intending to bring bees from southern Italy, where an invasive species and parasite called Small Hive Beetle is already established. The inspections in place for these imports are feeble at best, so there exists a high possibility that this small beetle with clubbed antennae may make its way onto Great Britain's mainland undetected.

The repercussions of disregarding our import laws and their dire consequences for the bees cannot be ignored; this illegal behavior is a clear violation of trade regulations.

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Have Your Bees Died From Cold or Starvation?

Despite the widespread belief that cold weather is what kills honey bee colonies during winter, research has revealed this isn't always necessarily the case. In actuality, it's usually a much more intricate combination of factors such as starvation or lack of access to food resources. Therefore, explaining why colonies die in winter cannot be attributed to just one single cause alone.

dead bees on a frame

Despite the widespread belief that cold weather is what kills honey bee colonies during winter, research has revealed this isn't always necessarily the case. In actuality, it's usually a much more intricate combination of factors such as starvation or lack of access to food resources. Therefore, explaining why colonies die in winter cannot be attributed to just one single cause alone.

A large number of bees but no food

There is nothing more disheartening than witnessing a colony succumb to starvation with dead bees piled high in the hive, crowded around each frame and even blanketing the bottom board. Inevitably one wonders: did these little creatures die of cold or from lack of sustenance? It's likely that once they had no food left, their bodies were unable to maintain sufficient warmth for survival. Ultimately, it was both - death by cold and starvation intertwined.

An age-old debate persists: when an aircraft runs out of fuel and crash lands, do the passengers perish due to the destruction caused by impact or because of running out of gas? It's a difficult question with no single answer. Though it is true that without depleting its supply of fuel, there would have been no collision, conversely seemingly harmless lack of fuel was not responsible for any fatalities; rather it was inflicted upon them through sheer force.

Honeybees are remarkable when it comes to maintaining warmth. Whenever you encounter a dead colony, the question that should be asked is this: “Could providing nourishment have saved them?” To me, the answer seems clear; if there was an obvious lack of food as the source of their demise, then sadly they starved. It's just like running out of fuel in an aeroplane - once all sources are exhausted, even wizards cannot remain standing strong.

Bees in critical numbers

On a cold winter's day, small and unhealthy bee colonies are in serious jeopardy as they lack the necessary bodies to produce enough heat for survival. To guarantee that your bees have optimum warmth, you must make sure their health is top-notch - this involves considering factors such as climate, weather conditions, hive type, genetics of the colony etc. Although it may seem impossible at first glance; I've personally seen colonies no bigger than baseballs thrive during chilly days when all other parameters were ideal.

Alternatively, if the colony lacks a substantial population of healthy and well-nourished bees, all chances for survival are jeopardized. If it is already suffering from an illness or parasite infestation, malnutrition, lack of queen bee presence or due to its genetics being unsuitable for the environment - then no amount of feeding, protecting measures and nurturing can help save them. Therefore health should be a priority when preparing them against cold weather conditions.

The last straw

When you observe dead colonies, it's easy to assume that the cold weather killed them, but what really caused their demise may be something else entirely. Just as passengers aboard an aeroplane are doomed from the moment when it runs out of fuel during a crash, so too can bees succumb to unseen circumstances. To guard against future disasters like this, we must seek to understand what actually led up to these tragic events.

If a bee colony is healthy, with easy access to food sources and of suitable size, then it should be able to regulate its own temperature. Before deciding on an overwintering strategy for the colony, one must ask why the colony is so small in size. It could simply have been caused by a late swarm or split and may be fine otherwise; if that's true, you need strategies for keeping the small-sized hive warm — think of it as giving them some extra TLC!

Analyzing the causes

If a colony is mysteriously small, it could be an indicator that the bees are not healthy enough to survive winter. It's often thought that cold temperatures have killed off hives when in fact this was just part of their struggle - many colonies suffer from illnesses or pests and lack sufficient numbers to keep themselves warm. Despite offering extra food resources, if the hive falls ill then it won't matter as no amount of nutrition can revive them; especially with fewer workers left to generate warmth for the colony.

Rather than perpetually debating over whether a bee's death was caused by the cold or starvation, it is far more important to analyze why your bees were so exposed in the first place. By reflecting on these questions and making modifications to your technique as needed, you will become an even better beekeeper!

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It Could Bee a Stinger

In September 2016, the National Bee Unit documented a groundbreaking discovery-their first sighting of Asian hornets in Great Britain. Since then (as of August 26th 2022), there have been 22 sightings confirmed and 12 nests identified that were ultimately destroyed.

The Asian hornet (Vespa velutina) is a native predatory wasp located in Asia. Due to its potential impact on Great Britain, sightings of the species are classified as an Alert Species and must be reported immediately to avoid establishing populations in GB.

Closeup on the Asian yellow-legged Hornet wasp, Vespa velutina, a recently introduced threat to honeybees

In September 2016, the National Bee Unit documented a groundbreaking discovery-their first sighting of Asian hornets in Great Britain. Since then (as of August 26th 2022), there have been 22 sightings confirmed and 12 nests identified that were ultimately destroyed.

If you encounter an Asian hornet, kindly refrain from approaching them or destroying their nests. Log all sightings immediately using the convenient Asian Hornet Watch app available on Android and iPhone devices, or report online.

What's the concern?

The Asian hornet may be a potential new invasive species, and it is of great concern due to its dietary preferences which include pollinators, spiders, small mammals-and even bee colonies. Already established in France and Belgium, if this invader has successfully established itself elsewhere it could have severe repercussions on our native bees as well as other ecosystems. It has been recognised that climate change will aid the propagation of many non-native species such as the Asian Hornet; already we are seeing drastic impacts in areas where they thrive.

As winters become milder, this will provide suitable environments for both current and potential invasive species to spread further north. Invasive species are known to possess broader environmental tolerances, making them more likely than native plants and animals to outlast the effects of climate change. Thus, climatic shifts could prove disastrous as they may create ideal breeding grounds for these invaders capable of overwhelming local ecosystems.

Asian hornets have a remarkable adaptation that allows them to keep their colonies at an even temperature of around 30°C-they use regurgitated water from their mandibles and vibrating wings for cooling. This capability enables the colony to remain active during extreme temperatures, allowing these insects to hunt regardless of climate conditions. It's imperative that more people become aware of Asian hornet sightings so we can identify and report them properly; this is why our Ecosystem Invaders campaign uses the Asian Hornet as its eye-catching character in order to raise public awareness regarding invasive species.

Why now?

In September (2022), the British Beekeepers Association and Animal and Plant Health Agency have jointly launched Asian Hornet Week from the 5th to 11th. Their aim? To spread awareness about these potentially harmful creatures.

But why promote this campaign now, when we've been surrounded by a myriad of bees, bumblebees, hornets and wasps all through springtime?

In the summer and early fall months, Asian hornets transition from a sugar-based diet to one rich in protein. As their dietary needs change, they can often be seen hovering near bee hives as they search for more sustenance to provide for the growing larvae within their nest. This behavior of 'hawking' at hive entrances is crucial for providing food during this precarious time of year.Once Asian hornets locate honeybee hives or apiaries, they are likely to return over and over until all resources have been consumed. These repeated visits known as 'hawking' ultimately has two major consequences;

Bee hives suffer 'foraging paralysis' when hovering hornets appear, resulting in a decrease of bee flight activity. Similarly, predation by these same pests lead to 'homing failure', preventing bees from returning home safely.

As leaves begin to crisp and fall away during the late Summer and early Autumn months, exposed Asian hornet nests become more visible. Reporting on these locations gives the National Bee Unit a better chance of finding any lurking Asian hornets before they produce new queens. This is our best hope for averting any further spread or damage from this species in our environment!

How do I know if I've seen one?

Knowing the distinct physical characteristics of an Asian hornet is key to being able to spot one quickly. This particular species has a completely black body, with exception of its fourth abdomen segment that prominently shows a wide orange stripe, as well as some thin yellow stripes throughout. Additionally, it's legs appear painted in shades of yellow and its face is brightly colored in shade of orange – so you can't miss them! Utilizing these features will make identifying Asian hornets much simpler for everyone.

Attempting to identify Asian hornets can be particularly difficult, with so many native species in Britain having a comparable appearance. Nevertheless, if you are under the impression that you spotted an Asian Hornet during nighttime hours, rest assured that this is impossible as they only fly around during daylight.

Here are 4 similar species:

European Hornet

Our local hornet species, the European hornet (Vespa crabro), is much bigger than its Asian counterpart. It boasts a striking yet subtle look with a brown body that's decorated in alternating yellow and black stripes located on its abdomen. From looking at it from the front, you'll notice that this insect has an all-yellow head whereas if seen from above, it will appear reddish in hue.

european hornet

European hornet

Giant Horntail

The Giant Horntail (Urocerus gigas) is an awe-inspiring species of sawfly, noticeably slender and elongated when compared with the Asian Hornet. Its abdomen displays a striking yellow and black patterning, while its antennae and legs are both enveloped in bright yellow hues.

Giant Horntail

Giant Horntail

Hornet moth

The captivating hornet moth (Sesia apiformis) is an awe-inspiring species with clear wings akin to bees or hornets. As part of the hymenoptera group, this fascinating creature uses mimicry as a form of self-defence mechanism. It has distinctively outlined wings paired with its fuzzy body and minuscule eyes—no defined 'waist' in sight!

Hornet moth

Hornet moth

Hornet mimic hoverfly

A remarkable insect is the Hornet mimic hoverfly (Volucella zonaria). These flies cleverly imitate the color of another species and have round, conspicuous eyes that can be seen from above. Additionally, their legs are black and antennae short yet stubby.

Hornet mimic hoverfly

Hornet mimic hoverfly

Get involved!

Now that you can recognize an Asian hornet, it's time to get involved and report any potential sightings! Recording these observations is essential in preventing the formation of future colonies. Don't wait - take action now to help protect your community from this destructive species.

If you think you've identified an Asian Hornet or their nest, please resist the urge to approach, capture and destroy either. When possible, take a photo of it and make sure to note your location as well. Even if a photograph isn't attainable, submit details about what you saw on the GB NNSS website by filling out their online form or utilizing the Asian Hornet Watch app instead! The prevention of this Alert Species relies heavily upon citizens like yourself for reporting sightings - By doing so, not only are you protecting native species but also helping us keep our environment safe!

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We Need Bees More Than Honey

A world without honey bees is a sobering idea, yet one we may be forced to confront in the not-so-distant future. In fact, some areas of China are already experiencing this nightmare scenario as wild honey bee populations have vanished entirely and people now must pollinate orchards manually.

A world without honey bees is a sobering idea, yet one we may be forced to confront in the not-so-distant future. In fact, some areas of China are already experiencing this nightmare scenario as wild honey bee populations have vanished entirely and people now must pollinate orchards manually.

Why are bees necessary?

The honey bee is a critical contributor to the global food supply, responsible for pollinating as much as 70 of the world's top 100 crops. In fact, it's estimated that one out of every three bites we eat owes its existence to these industrious creatures and other types of pollinators!

Without bees, many fruits and vegetables would soon vanish from our tables - apples, cucumbers, carrots and almonds are just some examples. Coffee lovers may be in for trouble too; this favourite beverage will also disappear if there aren't enough bees around. And what about cotton or plants like sunflowers that provide us with seed-based oils? All gone should we lose our hardworking friends: the honeybees!

If honey bees weren't in existence, our diets would consist predominantly of corn and wheat as these are the few plants that rely on wind pollination. Moreover, alfalfa farmers who depend on bee-pollinated flowers for hay to feed their cows could potentially experience a crisis due to a lack of pollinators. Therefore, even the milk and beef industry would be subjected to serious consequences from Honey Bee's decline.

The honey bee's predicament has been widely discussed in recent years, particularly the sudden explosion of CCD (Colony Collapse Disorder) beginning in 2006. This occurs when most worker bees pass away all at once and instantly wipe out an entire hive. We still have no real understanding as to what brings about this issue but there are a few theories that may provide insight.

The latest study is extremely disturbing, showing that bees actually prefer plants sprayed with neonicotinoid (nicotine-based) insecticides - despite the fact that these pesticides can cause them to eat less overall. Moreover, these particular bug repellents have been identified as having a detrimental effect on honey bees; from physical and mental disorientation to an inability to recognize flowers. It's clear that this class of insecticides poses serious risks for our buzzing friends.

In addition to other causes, Colony Collapse Disorder might be provoked by the tension of travelling. Most honey bees require transportation to orchards for pollination which can lead to an immense level of stress that could cause a hive's inability to run as usual.

Of all the crucial pollinators in the UK, honey bees are undoubtedly the most significant. Without them, we would not be able to enjoy their one-of-a-kind product: honey. The heavy reliance on imported honey has sparked concern about its purity and safety due to inconsistencies in regulations between countries. Additionally, other pollinators such as bumblebees and other solitary bees often go unnoticed despite being equally important for a healthy ecosystem; they too require specific conditions to survive!

Good news: you can help promote honey bee health by taking a few steps.

A little help to help the bees

1. Make your garden bee-friendly. Have a garden that's both attractive and beneficial to the honey bee population! Discover which flowers and vegetables will draw in bees, then get planting. Not only are you helping our pollinating friends survive, but your backyard garden will be looking amazing as well.

2. Provide a safe home for the wild bees. Constructing a home for bees is an easy and fun DIY project that can be created from lumber, bamboo, or even hollow sticks.

3. Have a bee watering source. Create a mini oasis for your local bees by filling a shallow bowl with rocks as an inviting platform, then topping it off with clean water. Not only will this provide them much-needed hydration, but also the sense of safety they need to reenergize!

4. Purchase your own hive. April to June is the opportune time for aspiring beekeepers to begin their journey - with enough time for the bees to build new combs and stockpile provisions in preparation for winter. Starting with a nucleus of bees during this period will ensure your colony's success as they can thrive without any hindrance.You can start with a hive like this one.

5. Stay away from chemical pesticides. Instead of using chemical products, try making natural alternatives that are safer and just as effective. Have a look on this article about some ideas.

6. Purchase eco products. By backing organic farmers, we can help to safeguard honey bees and the whole environment.

To ensure our own survival, we must take action to protect the bee population. Without bees, our environment and food sources would suffer immensely - a consequence that nobody wishes for. It is thus of utmost importance that we save the bees before it's too late!

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